
2023 51勛圖 - 51勛圖- 2013-2014 Academic year

Anthropology Club meetings 2013-2014

7 邾訄, 2014

郅訄郇 訄邽邾郋赲

苤郅邽 邽 郋邾邽郋赲訄郇邽迮 郋訇迮赲迮郇郇郋迣郋 邾郇迮郇邽 赲 迮郅迮: 邾郋訇邽郅邽郱訄邽 赲 郅郋赲邽 郕郋郇郅邽郕訄

訄 訇訄郱迮 迡訄郇郇 郈郋郅迮赲郋迣郋 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽 郈郋郈訄 郈郋訄郇訄郅邽郱邽郋赲訄 郕訄郕 郋邾邽迮 郋訇迮赲迮郇郇郋迮 邾郇迮郇邽迮 赲 迮郅郕郋邿 邾迮郇郋邽, 赲 郋郋訇迮郇郇郋邽 赲 郅郋赲邽 迮郇邽邿 訄郱郅邽郇邾邽 邽郇邽訄邾邽 赲郅訄邽. 訄郕 郋邾邽郋赲訄 訇郋郅迮迮 郕郋郇郕邽赲郇郋迮 邾郇迮郇邽迮 邽 郕訄郕 郋郅 邾郋迣 赲郈郋郅郇邽 "郕郅郇迮" 迡邽郈郅郋邾訄 邽 "郈迮迮迣郋赲郋邽郕邽"?

郅訄郇 訄邽邾郋赲 郱訄赲迮迡邽邿 郕訄迮迡 訄郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽邽, 苺虷.泭訄邽邽郅 赲郋 PhD 迡邽迮訄邽 赲 迮邿 虼郕郋郅迮 苤郋邽訄郅郇 訄郕, 訄邽迠-苳訄郇邽 邽 赲 迣郱郕郋邿 郕訄迡迮邾邽邽 訄郕.泭

30 訄郈迮郅, 2014

訄郕訇迮郕 訄郕郋赲泭

迣郱 郕茤邾茤郇 邾郇迡訄 訇訄郕 迠訄郇訄 邾迮邿郕邽郇迡邽郕 玼玼郇玼迣玼

迣郱迡訄迡郇 郕茤邾茤郇 邾, 邾郇迮迣迮迡邽 訇玼迣玼郇郕玼 郕玼郇迣茤 迮邿邽郇 郕茤郱 迠訄郱迡邾迡訄 郕訄郅郈 郕迮郅迮. 訄 郇郋迣訄訄 迡訄 郕茤邾茤郇迡玼郕 邾 迠訄郇訄 茤 邾迮郱迣邽郅迡邽郕 邽郕郅迣訄 訄郇迣訄郇 迠訄郋郋 訇郋郇訄 邽郱邽郅迡茤茤郅茤迣茤 訄郅邾 郕郋郋 迠迮 訄郕訄郈 訄邿郕訄郇迡訄 郕郋郋, 迠訄郱迡郋郋, 迠訄邿郅郋郋 迠訄郇訄 郕玼郱迡茤茤 迡迮郈 訄訄郅迣訄郇 茤 邾迮郱迣邽郅迡邽郕 郕茤邾茤郇 邾訄迣 郕迣郱迡訄迡郇 訇訄郕 迠訄郇訄 邾迮邿郕邽郇迡邽郕 玼玼郇迣玼 郕訄訄郅訄. 郋郇 邾迮郇郇迮 訇邽迣迮 迠訄郅郈 迡玼邿郇茤郅玼郕 郕茤邾茤郇迡茤 郕郋郇迮郕邽郇迡迮 郕迣郱迡訄迡郇 郕茤玼玼 迠迮 郕茤玼郈-郕郋郇郈 迠訄郋郋 郈邽郇邽訇邽 訇郋郇訄 郕訇邽 迠迮郕迮 郈邽郕邽郅迮邽 迡邽郕邽迣訄 郇郅訄.

.邽.郕. 訄郕訇迮郕 訄郕郋赲, 迣郱 苠玼郕 訄郇訄 郇邽赲迮邽迮邽郇邽郇 郋郕. 迣郱 郕茤邾茤郇 邾 訇郋郇訄 郕訄郇迡邽迡訄郕 迡邽迮訄邽郇 2011 迠郅 迠訄郕訄迣訄郇. 2008-2010 迠郅迡訄 訄訄郇迡訄 OSI/CARTI 郈郋迣訄邾邾訄郇郇 郕訄.

23 訄郈迮郅, 2014

苠迡訇迮郕郋赲訄 訄郱迣郅 苺迮郇郋赲郇訄泭

虼郕郋郅郇邿 郕迮 赲 迣郱訄郇迮

郋訇郅迮邾訄 郇訄邽郅邽 邽 赲邾郋迣訄迮郅赲訄 赲 郕郋郅訄 郈邽郋訇迮訄迮 赲 訇郋郅迮迮 邽 訇郋郅迮迮 迮郱郇迮 邾訄訄訇. 訄迠迡邿 迮邽邿 迮訇郇郋郕 赲 郇訄迮邿 訄郇迮 郈郋迡赲迮迣訄迮 赲邾郋迣訄迮郅赲. 郇郋迣邽迮 郋迡邽迮郅邽 郈郋迡郋郅迠訄 郈迮訇赲訄 赲 郇迮赲迮迡迮郇邽邽, 邽迮郅 郱訄郕赲訄 郇訄 郋 迣郅訄郱訄, 訄 郈迮迡訄赲邽迮郅邽 郈訄赲郋郋訄郇邽迮郅郇 郋迣訄郇郋赲 郇迮 赲 邽郅訄 迮郕邽赲郇郋 赲郅邽 郇訄 邽訄邽. 訄郱迣郅 苺迮郇郋赲郇訄 郈迮迡訄赲邽 迮郱郅訄 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽 郈郋赲迮迡郇郇郋迣郋 邽迣郋邿 赲 2012迣. 郋郅迮 郈迮郱迮郇訄邽邽 郋訄, 邾 郋訇迡邽邾 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋邽 郈郋赲迮迡迮郇邽 郇郋赲郋邿 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕郋邿 訄訇郋 赲 郋邿 郋訇郅訄邽 赲 訇郅邽迠訄邿邽迮 邾迮. 郈邽迣郅訄訄迮邾 赲迮 迠迮郅訄邽 (郋郋訇迮郇郇郋 迡迮郇郋赲) 郈邽郋迮迡邽郇邽 郕 赲迮迮 邽 郕 郇訄迮邾 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽. 邾迮迮 邾 邾郋迠迮邾 迡迮郅訄 赲郋邿 郇迮訇郋郅郋邿 赲郕郅訄迡 赲 迮迮郇邽迮 郋邿 郋迮郇 迮郱郇郋邿 郈郋訇郅迮邾.

苠迡訇迮郕郋赲訄 訄郱迣郅 苺迮郇郋赲郇訄 - 迡邽迮郕郋 訇迮赲迮郇郇郋迣郋 苳郋郇迡訄 "邽迣訄 訄邽郇邽郕郋赲 訄赲 迮訇郇郕訄".

April 9, 2014

Pr. Mathijs Pelkmans

Miracle Truth: Permanent Struggle and Fragile Conviction in a Pentecostal Church in Kyrgyzstan

This paper looks at the successes and failures of Pentecostal Christianity in Kyrgyzstan. Focusing on the centrality of divine intervention in Pentecostal belief, the paper aims to produce insight in the dynamics of religious conversion in unstable political-economic environments. It argues that the unstable Pentecostal mission offers a stark illustration of the effervescent as well as fragile qualities of Pentecostal conviction.

Mathijs Pelkmans is Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the London School of Economics. He has carried out extensive fieldwork in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, and has published extensively about religious change, identity politics, and border regimes based on his ethnographic research. His latest book is titled "Ethnographies of Doubt: Faith and Uncertainty in Contemporary Societies" (2013).

April 2, 2014

Dr. Elena Kim

Using institutional ethnography for understanding development

For this Anthropology talk series, I would like to present one of my recent researches on the practices of gender within the context of well-meaning international development programming. Taking one project as a case study I used an innovative methodological framework called institutional ethnography (D. Smith) to explore how development is actually done. On the basis of my framework I began with stories told by the people who were expected to benefit from the project. From these on-the-ground experiences I understood that benefits were not equally distributed among all the groups of population, despite the all-inclusive projects promise. Using institutional ethnography, I made efforts to empirically understand how good intentions turned into exclusionary practices. In my presentation I will show exactly how the process of inquiry was done and explain how findings can be used in policy-making.

Elena Kim received PhD in Development Studies from the University of Bonn, Germany in 2014. She has a MA degree in Gender Studies from Central European University in Hungary and BA in Psychology from the American University in Central Asia. She is currently a full-time faculty at the Department of Psychology at AUCA.

March 25, 2014

Dr. Philipp Schr繹der

Kyrgyz Middlemen in Guangzhou Business-making and More in Chinas Factory of the World

Most commonly when speaking about Kyrgyz migrants abroad associations arise of underpaid laborers in large cities of Western Russia, where many of them face arduous housing conditions and are haunted by xenophobic violence or police raids. A recent trend in Central Asian Anthropology thus has become to investigate such migrants life-worlds, the flow and use of the remittances they send, as well as the changes in their home societies that relate to such mobility patterns.

In this lecture I will attempt to complement these crucial efforts by drawing a slightly different picture of Kyrgyz migrants. My ethnographic observations will focus on a group of middlemen residing in Guangzhou (China) and touch on business-making and consumption, community and identity. To further illustrate these aspects, I will also draw a comparison with the translocal livelihoods of Kyrgyz traders in Novosibirsk (Russia), which is another angle in my ongoing fieldwork project. Finally, this will lead to some more general insights on the past, present and potential future of the China business for Kyrgyz entrepreneurs.

Bio: Philipp Schr繹der studied Cultural/Social Anthropology and Political Sciences at the University of T羹bingen, the Free University Berlin and the Humboldt University of Berlin. From 2006 until 2011 he was a member of the research group on Integration and Conflict at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale.

In 2012 he joined the Humboldt University of Berlin to work on his post doc-project entitled The China-Business An Ethnography of Kyrgyz Traders and their Translocal Livelihoods in-between 'Home', China, and Russia.

Philipp Schr繹der has taught at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, the 2023 51勛圖 (Kyrgyzstan), the Humboldt University of Berlin, as well as during various summer schools funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

His research interests focus on Urban Anthropology, Social Networks, Youth (Cultures), Identity, Integration and Conflict, Migration and Mobility, Economic Anthropology, Central Asia and Eurasia (in particular Kyrgyzstan and Russia).

26 邾訄訄, 2014

. 虴郋郅郈郋郇 苠迡訄郅邽迮赲訄

迣郱郕訄 郋邿-郕郋郇郋邾邽郕訄 邽 郋訇邽邿郇郋 邽郕迮郕訄

迣郱 郋邾迮訄 赲訄迠郇迮 迠邽郱郇迮郇郇迮 郋訇邽 郇訄 郇迮郋邾訄郅郇 郈訄郱迡郇迮赲訄 - 郋. 苤 郇迮迡訄赲郇迮迣郋 赲迮邾迮郇邽, 郅迣郕郋邿 郕邽 郱訄郈訄迡郇 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅迮邿, 訄郕邽迮 郈訄郱迡郇迮赲訄 訄郅邽 郇訄郱赲訄 郋邿-郕郋郇郋邾邽郕郋邿. 衪訄 訄訇郋訄 邽郱訄迮 迮郇郋邾迮郇 郋邿-郕郋郇郋邾邽郕邽 赲 邽郕迮郕迮. 郋赲郅迮郕訄 赲 訇郋郅迮 邽 訇郋郅迮 迮郋赲 邽 郱訄訄, 郋邿-郕郋郇郋邾邽郕訄 訄郇郋赲邽 邽郋郇邽郕郋邾 邾訄迮邽訄郅郇郋邿 邽 郋邽訄郅郇郋邿 赲郱訄邽邾郋郱訄赲邽邽邾郋邽 邽 郕迮郈郅迮 郋邽訄郅郇迮 赲郱邽 郕迣郱郋赲 郇訄 迮邾迮邿郇郋邾, 郋迡赲迮郇郇郋邾 邽 郕郅訄郇郋赲郋邾 郋赲郇. 訄迮赲郋 邾迮郋郈邽邽 郱訄赲邽邽 郇迮 郋郅郕郋 郋 郕郋郅邽迮赲訄 赲郅郋迠迮郇郇 迮迡赲, 郇郋 邽 郋 郕郋郅邽迮赲訄 郅迡迮邿, 郕郋郋迮 赲 迮訄郅郇郋邽 赲郅 赲郋郈郋邽郱赲郋迡邽迮郅邾邽 邾訄迮邽訄郅郇郋邿 邽 邾郋訄郅郇郋邿 郈郋迡迡迮迠郕邽 迡迣 迡迣 赲 郋邾迮 郋訇邾迮郇郇郋-迮邽郈郋郕郇 郋郇郋迮郇邽邿 邽 赲郱迮邿, 郕郋郋迮 郋迣郅訄郇郋 迮郋邽邽 訄迮郅 郋訄 郋訇 郋訇邾迮郇迮 郈郋迡訄郕訄邾邽 赲郅迮 赲郋迮迣郋 郋迡訄 迡郋郅迣郋邾 邽 郋訇郱訄郇郇郋. 苤 郋迡郇郋邿 郋郋郇, 訄郕訄 郋訇郱訄迮郅郇訄 郋邾訄 赲郱訄邽邾郋郈郋邾郋邽 郈迮迡郋赲訄訄迮 郋邾邽郋赲訄郇邽迮 郕郅訄郋赲 赲 郕迣郱郕郋邾 郋訇迮赲迮 郈郋迮迡赲郋邾 訄郈迮迡迮郅迮郇邽 迮郋赲 邽 郈郋迡迡迮迠郕邽 訇迮迡郇 迮邾迮邿 訇郋迣訄邾邽. 郋 迡迣郋邿 郋郋郇, 郋郇訄 邽郅邽赲訄迮 訄郱赲 邾迮迠迡 郋邾邽邽邾邽 郕郅訄訄邾邽, 赲訄迠訄迮迮 赲 訄郱邾迮迮 邽 郕訄迮赲迮 郋迣訄郇邽郱迮邾 郈訄郱迡郇迮赲. 苤 迡迣郋邿 郋郋郇, 郕訄迠迡訄 郕迣郱郕訄 迮邾, 郱郇訄 郋訇 邽 邽郇訄郇郋赲 邽郱迡迮迠郕訄 邽 邽郇郋迣迡訄 郱訄郅迮郱訄 赲 迡郋郅迣邽, 迮邾 郇迮 邾迮郇迮迮, 郈郋迡郋郅迠訄迮 郋迣訄郇邽郱郋赲赲訄 邽 邾迮郋郈邽邽 赲 迮迮郇邽迮 赲迮邿 赲郋迮邿 迠邽郱郇邽, 邽 迮邾 訄邾邾 邾訄郕邽 郋郇郋赲郇迮 邾郋邾迮郇 邽 郈迮迮郋迡 赲 迮迮 邽郕郅迮. 訄郇郇訄 訄郕訄郅郇郋 邽 郈郋郋郇赲郋 郋訇郇迮 郕郅郇郋-迡郋赲郇邾 郋迡迮迠訄郇邽迮邾 郋, 郕郋郋郋迮 郈郋赲郅迮 赲 郕郋郅郅迮郕邽赲郇郋邾 訇郅訄迣郋郅郋赲迮郇邽邽, 郈郋迡迡迮迠郕迮 邽 郈郋郋迮郇邽邽. 竄訄訄罈 - 訇郅訄迣郋郅郋赲迮郇邽迮, 竄訇訄訄 訇迮玼玼罈 - 郈迮迮迡訄訄 訇郅訄迣郋郅郋赲迮郇邽 赲郅迮 郇訄邽赲邽邾 邽邾郅郋邾 邽 郋邽訄郅郇郋-迡郋赲郇邾 郕訄郈邽訄郅郋邾 郈訄郱迡郇迮赲訄 邽郅邽 郋訇邽. 苤 郇訄訄郅訄 90-, 邽郕迮郕 郕訄郕 郋郅邽訄 訄郅 郋郋訇迮郇郇邾 邾迮郋邾 郋邾邽郋赲訄郇邽 郋邿-郕郋郇郋邾邽郕邽 郋 赲郋迮邿 邽郇訄郕郋邿, 訄迡邽邽邾邽 邽 邽郇邽訄邾邽. 赲郋迮邿 郈迮郱迮郇訄邽邽 虴郋郅郈郋郇 苠迡訄郅邽迮赲訄 訄邾郋邽 邽 郋訇迡邽 邽 郋郋訇迮郇郇郋邽.

訄郋迮迮 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽迮, 郋郇郋赲訄郇郇郋迮 郇訄 迣郅訇邽郇郇郋邾 邽郇迮赲 邽 赲郕郅迮郇郇郋邾 郇訄訇郅迡迮郇邽邽 赲 郈郋迮迮 迡訄郅郇迮邿迮迣郋 邽郱迮郇邽 訄赲郋郋赲: 虴郋郅郈郋郇 苠迡訄郅邽迮赲郋邿, 郈郋迮郋訄 郈郋迣訄邾邾 郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽邽 邾迮邽郕訄郇郕郋迣郋 郇邽赲迮邽迮訄 赲 虷迮郇訄郅郇郋邿 郱邽邽 邽 迮郇迮 郋赲邽, PhD 迡迮郇訄 赲 虼郕郋郅迮 郋邽訄郅郇 郇訄郕 苺郇邽赲迮邽迮訄 郋赲郋迣郋 衩迠郇郋迣郋 苺郅訄, 苤邽迡郇迮邿, 赲訄郅邽.

迮郱迮郇訄邽 郈郋迡迣郋郋赲郅迮郇訄 虴郋郅郈郋郇 苠迡訄郅邽迮赲郋邿, 郈郋迮郋 郈郋迣訄邾邾 郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽邽 邾迮邽郕訄郇郕郋迣郋 郇邽赲迮邽迮訄 赲 虷迮郇訄郅郇郋邿 郱邽邽, 迮郇邿 迮郕迮訄 迡邽迮訄邽郋郇郇郋迣郋 郋赲迮訄 郈郋 郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽邽 邽 迮郋郅郋迣邽邽 , 迡邽迮郕郋 竄虷迮郇 邾郱迮邿郇 邽郇邽邽訄邽赲罈, 郋郅邽郇邽郕 郕郅 邽郇邽迮赲訄 郅 .

19-迣郋 邾訄訄, 2014

衪邾邽郅 訄邽迡邽郇郋赲

迮郅邽迣邽郋郱郇訄 訇迮郱郋郈訄郇郋 赲 迣郱郕郋邿 迮郈訇郅邽郕迮

郋郈郋 迮郅邽迣邽郋郱郇郋邿 訇迮郱郋郈訄郇郋邽 郕訄郕 郇迮郅郱 訄郕訄郅迮郇 迮迣郋迡郇 赲 郕郋郇迮郕迮 迮迮郇邽邿 郈邽郇 郇訄 郈郋郅迮迡郇迮邾 苤郋赲迮迮 迮郱郋郈訄郇郋邽 . 訄郇郇郋迮 赲郈郅迮郇邽迮 邾邾邽迮 迮郱郅訄 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽 郈郋赲迮迡郇郇郋迣郋 赲 郇郋訇迮-迡迮郕訄訇迮 2013迣. 郈郅迮郇邽迮 赲郕郅訄迮 郱訄郕郅迮郇邽 郈郋:
1) 郋訇郱郋 郋赲迮邾迮郇郇郋邿 郅邽迮訄
2) 訄郇訄郅邽郱 郋郈郋訄 郇訄迮郅迮郇邽 迣. 邽郕迮郕 郈郋 赲郋郈邽邽 迮郅邽迣邽郋郱郇郋邿 訇迮郱郋郈訄郇郋邽 赲 訄郇迮 (赲 郋郈郋迮 訇郅邽 赲郋赲郅迮迮郇 迡迮郇 訄郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽邽 苺虷)
3) 訄郇訄郅邽郱 郕郈迮郇郋迣郋 邾郇迮郇邽 郈郋 郅迮迡邽邾 郈郇郕訄邾:
- 苤邽訄邽 赲 迮迮 迮郅邽迣邽郋郱郇郋邿 訇迮郱郋郈訄郇郋邽 赲
- 迮郇郕訄 迣郋迡訄赲迮郇郇郋邿 郈郋郅邽邽郕邽 赲 迮迮 迮郅邽迣邽郋郱郇郋邿 訇迮郱郋郈訄郇郋邽
- 迮郅邽迣邽, 郈郋郅邽邽郕訄 邽 迣迮郋郈郋郅邽邽郕訄
- 迮郇郕訄 郋郇郋赲郇 赲郇迮郇邽 迮郅邽迣邽郋郱郇 赲郅邽郇邽邿: 苠邽, 迣邽郈迮, 訄郇, 苤訄迡郋赲郕訄 訄赲邽, 苤邽邽, 郇迡邽-訄郕邽訄郇, 訄郈訄迡郇迮 郈郋迮訄郇郕邽迮 迮郕赲邽
4) 訇郋郅迮迮 迣郅訇郅迮郇郇邿 郋郕 郇訄 迡訄赲訄-訄訇郅邽迣
5) 赲郋迡 邽 迮郕郋邾迮郇迡訄邽邽

衪邾邽郅 訄邽迡邽郇郋赲 - 迡郋迮郇 郕訄迮迡 訄郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽邽, 苺虷. PhD, 苺郇邽赲迮邽迮 迮郅訇郇訄, 赲訄郅邽. 衪邾邽郅 郈迮郈郋迡訄 郈迮迡邾迮 郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽 迮郅邽迣邽邽 邽 迠迮 邾郇郋迣郋 郅迮 邽郱訄迮 迡赲邽迠迮郇邽迮 苠訄訇郅邽迣 訄邾訄訄.

March 5, 2014

Erica Feldman泭

Decoding Bishkek: Text, Context, and Social Meaning in Everyday Multilingualism

This audience obviously excepted, it surprises many to learn that Bishkek throbs with intellectual energy, creative subcultural activity, and dedicated, informed social activism. Far from being an unsophisticated backwater, Bishkek is in fact an edgy, international, diverse, and globally integrated metropolisnot to mention the most Anglophone city in Central Asia. Today, complete knowledge of Bishkek requires the functional command of at least three different languages and their various orthographies (Kyrgyz, Russian, and English). Though it is true that not every Bishkek resident can claim high-level mastery in all three of these languages, most Bishkek hipstersyoung, aspirational musicians, artists, activists, intellectuals, consumers of and participants in global culture productionincreasingly either know English or actively strive to learn it, suggesting a certain relationship between coolness and English-language proficiency. Such proficiency involves not only conversational skill, but also the ability to read and write in both Latin and Cyrillic scriptsno small feat, not least because the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets share characters that appear visually identical while representing completely different sounds. Especially in light of the possibility of such confusion, why is English so popular and ubiquitous in Bishkek? How did this trend originate, who perpetuates it, and why? This presentation will examine the roles, functions, and indexical values of the English language and of Latin script in Bishkek, as well as the local ideologies, discourses, and politics of language, culture, subculture, history, and globalization that underlie them.

Erica Pelta Feldman is a Ph.D. candidate in linguistic anthropology at the University of Michigan and an affiliate of the anthropology department at AUCA. She is currently conducting dissertation research on subculture and urban youth culture in Bishkek.

February 26, 2014

Prof. Mustaq A. Kaw泭

Dynamics of US Draw Down from Afghanistan: Regional Complications and Options

Questions to be discussed:

What led to the US invasion and the termination of the Taliban from power in 2001?
What prompts the US to leave Afghanistan after 2014?
What shape the country will take thereafter?
Would peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government resume ahead of the US pull out and be, in any way, useful for a viable political settlement?
What shape the country will take if the peace talks fail?
Shall it lead to a smooth process of Taliban resurgence or Afghanistans north-south division on the ethno-ideological grounds or a post-Soviet type civil war between the pro and anti-Taliban factions?
Assumed, the Taliban regain power after the US exit, would it be a "bane or a boon" for the country and the region including Central and South Asia?
What shall be the regional costs and benefits?
What shall be final regional options?

Brief Bio

Presently a Professor at the Centre of Central Asian Studies, University of Kashmir, J&K, India, Mushtaq A. Kaw specializes in South and Central Asian studies. He has authored/co-authored four books, and published more than 55 articles in reputed national and international journals. He edits a peer-reviewed Journal of Central Asian Studies from University of Kashmir, and teaches courses in South, Central Asian and world history. He travelled widely, organized different international conferences and held different administrative and academic positions. Besides doing several projects with outside funding, he remains the member on the advisory board of some reputed international journals.

20-迮 迮赲訄郅, 2014

衪郅邽邾訄 迠訄郈訄郋赲訄 邽泭郱訄邾訄 苠郇訄迮赲

訄郇邽訄 郇訄 郱訄邾郕迮? 虴郋 迠迮 赲-訄郕邽 郈郋邽郱郋郅郋 郇訄 邽郕迮郕迮?

衪郅邽邾訄 邽 郱訄邾訄 訄郕訄迠 郋 迮郅邽 邽 迮郱郅訄訄 赲郋迮邿 郈郋迮郱迡郕邽 郇訄 郋訇郋迣迮赲訄迮郅郇邿 郈郇郕 邽郕迮郕. 衪郋 訇赲訄 郱訄訄赲訄 訄郈郋郅郋迠迮郇訄 赲 25 郕邾 郋 迮郅訄 郕-虼邿訄郕 迠迮邽-迣郱郕郋迣郋 訄邿郋郇訄 郕-郅郕郋邿 郋訇郅訄邽 邽 20 郕邾 郋 迣訄郇邽 邽訄迮邾. 郋邾 邾迮迮 郈郋邽郱郋郅訄 訄迣邽迮郕訄 迣邽訇迮郅 迣訄迠迡訄郇邽郇訄 郋 郕 11 郇訄邽迮郅迮邿 迣訄郇邽 郋 郋郋郇 , 郕郋郋迮 赲 赲郋 郋迮迮迡 訇郅邽 郇邽郋迠迮郇 郈邽訇赲邽邾邽 郈郋迣訄郇邽郇邽郕訄邾邽. 郋訇邽迮, 郋訇郋迮迮 邾訄郋邿 郈訇郅邽郇 迡郋邾郅郋赲 邽 郈迮迡郈郋郅郋迠迮郇邽邿, 迮邾 郇迮 邾迮郇迮迮, 郇郋邽 迡迮邿赲邽迮郅郇郋 迮赲郋迠郇邿 訄訄郕迮 邽 郱訄訄赲郅迮 郱訄迡邾訄 郋 訄郱郅邽郇 赲郋郈郋訄 赲郱訄郇郇 郋郇郋迮郇邽迮邾 郋訇迮赲訄 郕 訄郕訄邾, 訇迮郱郋郈訄郇郋 迣訄郇邽, 迮郕邽赲郇郋 邽 郋訄郇, 邽 迡訄 迡迣邽 赲郋郈郋郋赲.

衪郅邽邾訄 迠訄郈訄郋赲訄, 迡邽迮郕郋 迮迡邽訄迮郇訄 迮邾迣迮 迡迮邾

郱訄邾訄 苠郇訄迮赲, 迮迡訄郕郋 訄郇訄郅邽邽迮郕郋迣郋 訄邿訄 Vlast.kg

19 迮赲訄郅, 2014

虴郋郋 苤迮邿邽郋赲

苤郋赲迮邾迮郇郇迮 迮郇迡迮郇邽邽 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕郋迣郋 訄郱赲邽邽 赲 迣郱郕郋邿 迮郈訇郅邽郕迮

郋郕郅訄迡 郋郋邽 邽郱 迡赲 訄迮邿:
1. 迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕訄 邽訄邽 赲 迣郱郕郋邿 迮郈訇郅邽郕迮 郱訄 2008-2012 迣迣.
2. 苤郋赲迮邾迮郇郇迮 郕迣郱-竄郕郋迮赲郇邽郕邽罈 郋邽邽.

虴郋郋 苤迮邿邽郋赲, 邾訄迣邽訄郇 2-迣郋 郕訄 郋訇迮郇邽 郇邽訄 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽邽 迮邿 郕郋郅 郕郋郇郋邾邽郕邽 (迣. 郋郕赲訄)
郈迮赲郋邿 訄邽 赲郈郅迮郇邽 郈迮迡訄赲郅迮郇訄 迮郇迡迮郇邽 郋迠迡訄迮邾郋, 邾迮郇郋, 邾邽迣訄邽迮邿, 赲郋 赲郋郋邿 邽郇郋邾訄邽 郋 邽郅迮郇郇郋邽 邽 訄郱邾迮迮郇邽邽 郕迣郱郋赲 赲 郋邽邽 赲 邾迮迠郈迮迮郈邽郇迮 郈迮邽郋迡 1989, 2002, 2010 迣迣.

12 迮赲訄郅, 2014

訄郕迮迮赲 苤訄郅訇迮郕 邾訄郇郋赲邽

迮郱迮郇訄邽 郈郋迮郕訄 郈郋 赲迮迮訄郇訄邾 "訄邽 郈郋訇迮迡 赲 郇訄迮邾 迮迡邽郇赲迮", 郕 郕郋郋郋邾 郈邽郋迮迡邽郇邽郅 苺虷

迮郱邽迡邽邾 迣訄郇邽郱訄邽邽 赲迮迮訄郇郋赲 赲郋邿郇, 迡訄, 郋郋迠迮郇郇 苤邽郅 邽 郈訄赲郋郋訄郇邽迮郅郇 郋迣訄郇郋赲 迣郱郕郋邿 迮郈訇郅邽郕邽, 訄邾郋迮赲 邽郇邽邽訄邽赲 苤郋赲迮訄 赲迮迮訄郇郋赲 郋迡訄赲迮郇郇郋邿 郈郋迣訄郇邽郇郋邿 郅迠訇 迣郱郕郋邿 迮郈訇郅邽郕邽 邽 赲訄迠郇郋 迡郋赲郇郋迣郋 郇訄郈郋郅郇迮郇邽 郈郋迮訄 郈郋迡迣郋郋赲郕邽 郕 郈訄郱迡郇郋赲訄郇邽 70-郅迮邽 郋訇迮迡 郋赲迮郕郋迣郋 郇訄郋迡訄 赲 迮郅邽郕郋邿 迮迮赲迮郇郇郋邿 赲郋邿郇迮 1941-1945 迣迣., 郈邽郱赲訄迮 赲迮 郕迣郱訄郇迮赲 郈邽郇 訄邽迮 赲 邽郋邽郕郋-郈訄邽郋邽迮郕郋邿 訄郕邽邽 竄訄邽 郈郋訇迮迡 赲 郇訄迮邾 迮迡邽郇赲迮罈.

迮郋邽迮郕訄 邽郋邽 迮郅邽郕郋邿 迮迮赲迮郇郇郋邿 赲郋邿郇 郋 郕郅訄迡迮郱 迡郋赲郇, 郇訄赲赲迮郇郇 邽郅, 郈郋邾郋迣訄邽 郈郋訇迮迠迡訄 邽 郈迮迡訄郇郇郋 郅迠邽 迮迮赲.

郅訄赲郇郋邿 迮郅 訄郕邽邽 訄郇迮 郋訇訄迮郇邽迮 赲郱郋郋赲 邾郋郅郋迡迮迠邽 郕 赲郋邽邾 邽郋郕訄邾, 郈郋邽郕 邽 赲郋郕迮迮郇邽 邽邾迮郇, 訄郕邽 郇迮邽郱赲迮郇 訄郇邽 郈郋迡赲邽迣訄 郈迮迡郕郋赲 赲 訇郋訇迮 訄邽郱邾郋邾, 訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽 郕郋郇訄郕郋赲 郋 赲迮郇邽郕訄邾邽 邽郱 迮迣邽郋郇郋赲 訇訄郕邽 迣郋迡訄赲 苤, 郇訄 迮邽郋邽 郕郋郋 郈郋郅迮迣訄郅 訇郋迮赲郋邿 郈 郕迣郱訄郇迮赲. 迡郇訄 邽郱 赲訄迠郇迮邿邽 郱訄迡訄 訄郕邽邽 郈郋迡赲迮迠迡迮郇邽迮 郈邽赲迮迠迮郇郇郋邽 訄迡邽邽邾 迡迠訇 邽 訇訄赲訄, 郋邾邽郋赲訄郇郇邾 郋赲迮郕邽邾 郇訄郋迡郋邾 赲 訇郋訇迮 訄邽郕邽邾 郇訄邽郱邾郋邾.

迮迮訄郇 迣郱訄郇訄 郈邽郱赲訄 郋郋迮迮赲迮郇郇邽郕郋赲 郋郕 迮邾迮邿郇迮 訄郅訇郋邾, 赲迣郅迡迮 赲 郅邽訄 赲郋邽 郋郋赲 邽 迡迮迡郋赲, 郱訄郈迮訄郅迮郇郇 郇訄 郋郋迣訄邽 赲郋迮郇郇郋邿 郈郋, 郈郋郅迮迡邽 邽 郈郋訇迮迡郇 郈郋郈 邽 訄郕訄郱訄 郋 郇迮邿, 迡迮郅訄赲 迮邾迮邿郇 迣郋迡郋 郅訄赲郋邿 邽 迡郋郋郇邽迮邾 赲迮迣郋 郇訄郋迡訄.

訄迠迡訄 郋郋迣訄邽, 赲郕郅迮郇郇訄 赲 赲郋迮郇郇邿 訄郅訇郋邾 迣郱訄郇訄 竄訄邽 郈郋訇迮迡 赲 郇訄迮邾 迮迡邽郇赲迮罈, 訄郇迮 訄 郈郋迮訄 郋赲迮郕郋迣郋 郋郅迡訄訄, 郈郋訇迮迡邽赲迮迣郋 訄邽郱邾.

郅 赲郋迮郕郋邿 邾郋郅郋迡迮迠邽 赲 郈郋迡赲邽迣迮 迮, 郕郋 郋赲郋訇郋迡邽郅 邾邽 郋 郕郋邽郇迮赲郋邿 邾, 郕 赲迮郅邽郕邽邿 邽郋郇邽郕 迡郅 赲迡郋郇郋赲迮郇邽. 訄郕訄 赲 郈郋赲迮邽, 郕訄邽郇迮, 邽郅邾迮 迡訇訄 邽邾迮郇, 郇訄迮訄郇郇 郇訄 郈郋訇迮迡郇 郋訇迮郅邽郕訄 赲 迣郋郋迡訄 邽 迮郅訄 迣郱訄郇訄, 郋 迮郅郇邿 郋訇訄郱 郈郋郕郋郅迮郇邽 郈郋訇迮迡邽迮郅迮邿, 郋郅邽訄赲迮迣郋 邾迠迮赲郋邾, 迮郅迮迮邾郅迮郇郇郋 邽 迮迡邽郇赲郋邾.

迮郋邽 迠邽赲, 郕郋迣迡訄 郋 郇邽 郈郋邾郇, 郈郋迡赲邽迣邽 赲迡郋郇郋赲郅, 郕郋迣迡訄 邽邾 郅迮迡.

郋郇邽郕郇 郈郋訇迮迡郇邾 迡郋邾 郱郇訄邽 郈郋訇迮迡邽 赲 訄迠迮郇邽邽 郱訄 訄訇邽郅郇郋 迮迮赲訄 邽 郈郋赲迮訄郇邽迮 郇訄郋迡訄!

訄郕迮迮赲 苤訄郅訇迮郕 邾訄郇郋赲邽, 迮迡迮迡訄迮郅迮邾 苤郋赲迮訄 迮迮訄郇郋赲, 郋迣訄郇邽郇訄 郅迠訇訄 .

5 迮赲訄郅, 2014

郱訄邾訄 虴迮邽郕訇訄迮赲 邽 苤迡邽 竄苠迮郇迣邽罈

苤迡邽 竄 苠迮郇迣邽罈, 郈迮邽訄郅邽郱邽迮 郇訄 邽郱迣郋郋赲郅迮郇邽邽 訄迡邽郋 邽 赲邽迡迮郋 郕郅邽郈郋赲, 郋郅邽郕郋赲, 郕訄郕 郋邽訄郅郇郋迣郋, 訄郕 邽 郕郋邾邾迮迮郕郋迣郋 郇訄郈訄赲郅迮郇邽邿, 訄 訄郕迠迮 迡郋郕邾迮郇訄郅郇 邽 迡郋迠迮赲迮郇郇 邽郅邾郋赲. 苤迡邽 竄苠迮郇迣邽罈 邽郱赲迮郇 赲郋邽邾 郕迮訄邽赲郇邾 郈郋迡郋迡郋邾 郕 郋赲迮迮郇邽 郋邽訄郅郇 邽 郇邽迮郕邽 迮邾. 郱訄邾訄 郈郋迡迮 邽 郕邽郇郋迮迠邽 訇郋郅邽邾 郋郈郋邾 訄訇郋, 郋迡邽郇 邽郱 郋郇郋赲訄迮郅迮邿 迡邽邽. 郇 郈郋郕訄迠迮 郋迡郇邽 邽郱 郇訄邽訇郋郅迮迮 邽郇迮迮郇 郋郅邽郕郋赲 邽 訄郕訄迠迮 郋 郋邾 郕訄郕 郋郱迡訄 郕郋郇迮郈邽邽 訄郕邽 訄訇郋.

苤訄邿 迡邽邽: arttengri.kg

29 郇赲訄, 2014

虴郋郋 苤迮邿邽郋赲泭

邽迣郅訄迮郇邽迮 郕 郋訇迮郇邽 郇訄 邾訄迣邽迮郕郋邿 郈郋迣訄邾邾迮 竄迮邾郋迣訄邽罈 苺 虼衪 邽 迡迣邽 郈郋迣訄邾邾訄 苺 虼衪

郇郋赲郇訄 迮郅 郈郋迣訄邾邾, 訄郱訄訇郋訄郇郇郋邿 郇邽郋邾 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽邽 苺 虼衪, 郋郋羽解 赲 郈郋迡迣郋郋赲郕迮 郈迮邽訄郅邽郋赲, 郋訇郅訄迡訄邽 郇迡訄邾迮郇訄郅郇邾邽 郱郇訄郇邽邾邽 赲 郋訇郅訄邽 訄郱赲邽邽 郇訄迮郅迮郇邽, 赲郅訄迡迮邽 郋赲迮邾迮郇郇邾邽 邾迮郋迡訄邾邽 訇郋訄 邽 訄郇訄郅邽郱訄 迡訄郇郇, 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕郋迣郋 郈郋迣郇郋郱邽郋赲訄郇邽, 邾迮邽 郈邽邾迮郇 郈郋郅迮郇郇迮 郱郇訄郇邽 郇訄 郈訄郕邽郕迮.

訄赲郕邽: 訄郇訄郅邽郱邽郋赲訄 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕 邽訄邽 邽 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕邽迮 迮郇迡迮郇邽邽;
郋迣訄郇邽郱郋赲赲訄 訇郋 邽 郈郋赲迮 郕訄迮赲郋 迡訄郇郇 郋 郇訄迮郅迮郇邽邽; 訄郇訄郅邽郱邽郋赲訄 訄郕郋 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕邽 邽郱邾迮郇迮郇邽邿; 郈邽邾迮郇 赲 訄郇訄郅邽郱迮 邾迮郋迡 邽郱迮郇邽 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕郋迣郋 郈郋赲迮迡迮郇邽; 赲郈郋郅郇 郋邽訄郅郇郋-迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕邽迮 郈郋迣郇郋郱, 赲 郋邾 邽郅迮 郇訄 郋赲郇迮 邾郇邽邽郈訄郅郇 郋訇訄郱郋赲訄郇邽邿; 郋迮郇邽赲訄 郋邽訄郅郇迮 邽 郕郋郇郋邾邽迮郕邽迮 郈郋郅迮迡赲邽 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕邽 邽郱邾迮郇迮郇邽邿; 郋訇郋郇郋赲赲訄 邽 郈邽郇邽邾訄 迮迮郇邽 赲 郋訇郅訄邽 邾迮 邽 郇訄郈訄赲郅迮郇邽邿 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕郋邿 邽 郋邽訄郅郇郋邿 郈郋郅邽邽郕邽; 訄郱訄訇訄赲訄 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕 邽郇郋邾訄邽 邽 郈郋赲郋迡邽 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕 郕郈迮邽郱 迡郅 迮迮郇邽 郱訄迡訄, 赲郋郱郇邽郕訄邽 郈迮迮迡 郋迣訄郇訄邾邽 迣郋迡訄赲迮郇郇郋迣郋 邽 邾郇邽邽郈訄郅郇郋迣郋 郈訄赲郅迮郇邽, 郇迮郕郋邾邾迮迮郕邽邾邽 郋迣訄郇邽郱訄邽邾邽, 訇邽郱郇迮郋邾.

虴郋郋 訄邾 赲郅迮 邾訄迣邽訄郇郋邾 2-迣郋 迣郋迡訄 郋訇迮郇邽 郋邿 迠迮 郈郋迣訄邾邾. 2013 迣. 郋郇 訇郅 訄迠迮郋邾-邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅迮邾 訄郇郋-迮訇郇郋邿 郅訄訇郋訄郋邽邽 郋邽訄郅郇郋-迡迮邾郋迣訄邽迮郕郋邿 郈郋郅邽邽郕邽 郇邽訄 迡迮邾郋迣訄邽邽 苺 虼衪; 訄 2008 郈郋 2012 迣迣. 訄訇郋訄郅 迣郅訄赲郇邾 郕郋郇郋邾邽郋邾 訄郇郋-邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕郋迣郋 郋迡迮郅訄 衪郕郋郇郋邾邽迮郕郋迣郋 郈訄赲郅迮郇邽 訄邽郋郇訄郅郇郋迣郋 訇訄郇郕訄 迣郱郕郋邿 迮郈訇郅邽郕邽. 虴郋郋 訄郕迠迮 郈迮郈郋迡訄赲訄郅 赲 苠苺 邽邾..訄郱郱訄郕郋赲訄 邽 赲 苺 (2002-2012 迣迣.).

Jan 22, 2014

Joshua Meyer泭

The Kyrgyzstan Corpus Project: Building a language resource unique to Kyrgyzstan and available to all

Abstract: How do we do linguistic research? Some linguists might ask native speakers of Kyrgyz if sentence A sounds better than sentence B, or if the imaginary word /gabo/ sounds "more or less Kyrgyz" than the imaginary word /kupo/. Based on these limited interactions, the linguist will then construct a theory of the linguistic structure of Kyrgyz. That is, for some linguists, the only relevant evidence is judgment of a native speaker.

Other researchers, however, try to get as much data as possible, and then look at statistical trends in the data. With regards to language, we can do this by creating and analyzing a corpus.

A corpus is a collection of language that is searchable. It could be a collection of written texts, such as books, articles, and newspapers, or it can be primarily recorded speech that has been transcribed afterwards. If all these texts/transcriptions are in one place, the researcher can then get answers to certain questions. Maybe she wants to know how often a verb comes before a object in a language like Russian, where word order is relatively loose. With 300 million words in one place the researcher can find, with a computer program, all sentences which contain verbs and objects, and then compare their relative order.

There are lots of reasons to create and use a corpus, and this talk will cover some of them and also describe a project at AUCA's Central Asian Studies Institute to create such a resource for Kyrgyzstan.

Why Kyrgyzstan?
a) there is no such resource available for Kyrgyz -- A corpus of Kyrgyz would allow linguists, and others, to do interesting research on Kyrgyz.
b) Kyrgyzstan, being in many ways a bilingual country, has a very special and interesting phenomenon: code-switching -- When people mix Kyrgyz and Russian in one conversation, sentence, phrase, or even word.
What can you do with a corpus?
a) structural properties of language
b) sociolinguistic issues
c) language variation within a population
d) collect stories, history

Bio: Joshua Meyer is currently a Ph.D. Student in Theoretical Linguistics at the University of Arizona. His research interests lie in bilingualism and psycholinguistics, especially in phonological processing. Joshs methods are mainly experimental, using data from behavioral production and perception studies. He is a currently visiting research fellow at AUCA's Central Asian Studies Institute.

15 郇赲訄, 2014

. 郅邽迮 苭訄邾邽迡郋赲

苺迣郋郱訄 "迮郅邽迣邽郋郱郇郋迣郋 郕迮邾邽郱邾訄" 赲 迣郱郕郋邿 迮郈訇郅邽郕迮: 邾邽 邽 迮訄郅郇郋

邽迣郅訄迮郇郇邿 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅 苺郇邽赲迮邽迮訄 郕訄郅, 迮郅邽郕郋訇邽訄郇邽,泭苤邽郈迮郇迡邽訄 郋郋郅迮赲郕郋迣郋 訇迮赲訄 邽 邽訄郇郕郋邿 郕訄迡迮邾邽邽 訄郕
迮迠迡郇訄郋迡郇邿 郕郋郇郅訄郇 迮邾邽郇郋迣郋 訄郇郕訄,泭PhD, 迮迠迡郇訄郋迡郇迮 郋郇郋迮郇邽, 苺郇邽赲迮邽迮 迠郋郇訄 苭郋郈郕邽郇訄, 苤虼.泭, International Peace Studies, 苺郇邽赲迮邽迮 郋 訄邾訄.泭郅邽迮 郋郈訇郅邽郕郋赲訄郅 迮邽 訄迮邿 郋 迮郅邽迣邽郋郱郇 邽 郇邽迮郕邽 郕郋郇郅邽郕訄 赲 苳迮迣訄郇郕郋邿 迡郋郅邽郇迮 邽 郈郋郅邽邽迮郕邽邾 郋訇邽邾 赲 迣郱訄郇迮 邽 虷迮郇訄郅郇郋邿 郱邽邽

Friday 13, 2013

Friday the 13th Flashmob Tuzemnyi
Anthropology 51勛圖and New Generation Academy dance party

苤迮邾迮 郈郋邽 郱訄郕郋郇邽郅 邽 迠迮 郕郋郋 邾郋迠郇郋 訇迡迮 郋迡郋郇. 郅 郋迣郋, 郋訇 郈邽 郈訄 郈迮迮迡 郈迮迡郋邽邾邽 郕郱訄邾迮郇訄邾邽 郈邽迣郅訄訄迮邾 赲迮 郇訄 訄郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽迮郕 赲迮迮邽郇郕 赲 迮 郋郕郋郇訄郇邽 迮邾迮訄

訄邽 迡迮郇 郇訄訄郅訄 訄郕訄迠, 郈郋郋邾 郈郋郕訄迠 邽 郇訄郕郋郇迮 苤苠 苤 訄郇 郱迮邾郇迮 訄郇 邽郱 訄郱郇 迣郋郅郕郋赲 邾邽訄.

郋迣訄邾邾訄 赲郕郅訄迮: 訄郇 邽郱 邽郕邽, 赲訄郅邽邽 邽 苠邽郋郋郕迮訄郇郕邽 郋郋赲郋赲.

郋郅迮 訄郇迮赲 郅訄迡郋邽 邽 郇訄郈邽郕邽.

December 11, 泭2013

Brain-storming session on:泭Winter-break Research

How are you planning to spend your winter-break?
You must have worked hard and you feel that you deserve a proper rest. But, just in case if you have nothing planned and if you are likely to spend it on a sofa watching movies and eating lots of sugar (which is great!), we invite you to participate in our winter-break research projects.

There are a couple of ideas already, but it is really all open to your suggestions. We plan to spend this club meeting brainstorming other ideas and forming teams.

Lets use this break productively!

December 4, 2013

Steve Swerdlow

Using International Law to Make a Difference The Job of a Human Rights Watch Researcher

Steve Swerdlow, Central Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch, investigates and advocates on a wide range of issues in the post-Soviet region, including Central Asia. He has more than ten years experience working on human rights issues in the former Soviet Union.

Before coming to Human Rights Watch, Swerdlow worked as a lawyer and human rights monitor. Swerdlow was a fellow in the US State Departments Young Leaders for Public Service program in Russia before becoming a human rights monitor for the Union of Council for Soviet Jews. There, he focused on ethnic discrimination and refugee-related issues in Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. He later worked for CARE International in Georgia and for the European Centre for Minority Issues. Swerdlow also worked at the International Organization for Migration in Russia, helping to administer the US Meskhetian Turk Resettlement Program.

Directly before joining Human Rights Watch, Swerdlow practiced whistleblower and human rights law in San Francisco at Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein LLP and served as a federal law clerk to the Honorable Judge Dean Pregerson of the US District Court for the Central District of California. He received a law degree from the University of California, Berkeley and his masters in international affairs from Columbia University, with a certificate in post-Soviet studies from the Harriman Institute. Swerdlow has published opinion pieces and articles in Foreign Policy, the New York Times, CNN.COM, and other publications.

November 27, 2013

Daniyar Karabaev泭

Minority Education in Tajikistan: A Case of Kyrgyz Minority Schools in Badakhshan Province

Minority education and its practices are important activities for multiethnic countries. Education provided in a multiethnic country plays a significant role for ethnic and minority groups to be politically socialized and become integrated members of mainstream society. Moreover, a successful political socialization of ethnic and minority groups contributes to a country`s stabilization, social cohesion and creates a peaceful society with equal representation of all its members in socio-economic, cultural and political life of a country. Tajikistan contains ethnic Russian, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Turkmen and other minorities. This research examines the contribution of educational practices within Kyrgyz schools in the Badakhshan province to the political socialization process of Kyrgyz students in Tajikistan. Specifically, three school subjects Tajik language, Tajik history and Basics of Law of Tajikistan were analyzed in this study.

Daniyar Karabaev is a coordinator of General Education Department of 51勛圖since August 2012. He has two MA degrees in Political Sciences and International Area Studies focusing Central Asian Republics.

20 郇郋訇, 2013

迮郇邽邿 邽訄迮赲 邽 訄邽 訄郅邽郇迮郇郕郋

訄郕邽郱邾 邽 郈郋-郋赲迮郕郋迮 郈郋郕郋郅迮郇邽迮 虷迮郇訄郅郇郋邿 郱邽邽: 郈迮迮邽赲訄 邾訄郇邽迮泭(郇迮郋邾訄郅郇邿 迡迮郇迮郕邽邿 迮邾邽郇訄)

迮郇邽邿 邽 訄邽 郈郋迡迮郅 赲郋邽邾邽 邾郅邾邽 郋 郈邽赲邽邽 邾訄郕邽郕邽 邽迡迮邿 赲 邽 迠邽郱郇邽. 郋迮郈迮郇郇郋 邽迮郱訄 郕訄郕 邽迡迮郋郅郋迣邽,邽迡迮邽 郈郋迡郋郅迠訄 "訄訇郋訄" 迮迮郱 郈訄邾 邽 郋迡邽迮郅迮邿,"郱郇訄郕郋赲" 邽 "邽邾赲郋郅郋赲", 邽 郈邽郋訇迮訄 赲郋邿 郇邽郕訄郅郇邿 迣迮訄郅 迡郅 郈郋郕郋郅迮郇邽 郕郋郋郋迮 郋迡邽郅郋 郈郋郅迮 訄郱赲訄郅訄 苤苤苤.

訄 郋郇郋赲迮 郈郋迮郇邽 邾訄郇邽迮訄,迡迮郇 郈迮迡郅郋迠訄 赲郋迮 赲邽迡迮郇邽迮 邾訄郕邽郕郋邿 邾郋迡迮郅邽 郈郋 郋郇郋迮郇邽 郕 郇郋赲郋邿 郋邽訄郅郇郋-郕郋郇郋邾邽迮郕郋邿 邽訄邽邽 郕郅訄迡赲訄迮邿 赲 虷迮郇訄郅郇郋邿 郱邽邽, 訄 訄郕迠迮 赲 迮迡迮 郈郋-郋赲迮郕郋迣郋 郈郋郕郋郅迮郇邽.

迮郇邽邿 邽訄迮赲 邽 訄邽 訄郅邽郇迮郇郕郋 迡迮郇 2 郕訄 訄郕郅迮訄 郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽.

13 郇郋訇, 2013

苺郅訄郇 迠訄郈訄郋赲

郋邿 邾訄郅迮郇郕邽邿 迣迮郋邿邽郕

苤赲邽迡迮迮郅赲訄 邽郱 郈迮迮迠邽赲訄郇邽邿 竄邾訄郅迮郇郕邽邿 迮郅郋赲迮郕訄罈 赲 衪郈郋 迮迮邾迮郇.

迮郋郈迮郕邽 迡郋迠迮赲迮郇郇 郈郋迮郕郋赲 郕郋郇訄 90-, 2010- (郋郋 邽 赲邽迡迮郋-迡郋郕邾迮郇訄邽 郈迮郋邾訄郇郋赲).

苺郅訄郇 迠訄郈訄郋赲泭-泭訄邽迮郕郋, 迡郋迠郇邽郕, 郈邽訄迮郅, 郋迣訄郇邽郱訄郋 赲訄赲郋郕, 郕郋赲郋迡邽迮郅 訄邽迮郕郇郋邿 迡邽邽 郱迮邿 邽 迮迡訄郕郋 訄郅邾訄郇訄訄 訄郕.

November 6, 2013

Make Your Own AnthroKINO: 迮赲迮 郅訄郋郕邽! + Kate Willman on Documentary Photographs

This week the Anthropology Club and Sociology Department will have a joint session in the National History Museum (Wednesday, Nov 6, 3.30pm) as a part of the 20th Anniversary of 51勛圖celebration events

The meeting will consist of two parts:

1) Kate Sampsell-Willmann will give a talk on using documentary photographs in social science and humanities research (in English)

2) Anthropology Club will present the first results of the Make Your Own AnthroKINO project three short films:

- Ak-tyuz: Ruins of the Soviet Empire by Emil Nasritdinov, Bryan Carter and Madina Davletkeldieva (in English)

- 訄訄郋郅郕訄: 邽迣邽郱邽-郋訄邿-迣郱訄郇" by Aman Jumabaev and Naima Odinaeva, (in Russian) and

- One Day in the Life of a Young Bishkek Lady by Yelena Gareeva and Tatiana Efremenko (no language)

30 郋郕訇, 2013

訄訄 郋郱郋赲訄

郋郇邽郋赲訄郇邽迮 迡迮郕郋邿 邽郇赲訄郅邽迡郇郋邽 赲 迣郱郕郋邾 郋郋訇迮赲迮

邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽邽, 郈郋赲郋迡邽邾郋邾 赲 訄邾郕訄 郈郋迣訄邾邾 CARTI 郇邽訄 郕郋迣郋 訇迮赲訄, 邽郇赲訄郅邽迡郇郋, 郕訄郕 郋邽訄郅郇邿 郕郋郇郕, 訄邾訄邽赲訄迮 迮迮郱 郈邽郱邾 迮迮 赲迮迡邽 邾郋迡迮郅迮邿: 邾郋訄郅郇訄, 邾迮迡邽邽郇郕訄, 郋邽訄郅郇訄 邽 郕郅郇訄 邾郋迡迮郅邽. 郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽迮 郋郕邽郋赲訄郇郋 郇訄 郈迮迡訄赲郅迮郇邽/郈郋郇邽邾訄郇邽邽 迡迮郕郋邿 邽郇赲訄郅邽迡郇郋邽 赲 迮邾迮, 郋郋訇迮赲迮 邽 赲 郈郋迮邽郋郇訄郅郇 赲郋郱郱迮郇邽 郈迮邽訄郅邽郋赲, 訄訇郋訄邽 迡迮邾邽, 郕郅訄迡赲訄邽 赲 郕郋郇迮郇郋邾 邽郋迣迮 赲 郋訇 郕訄邽郇 郇迮 郋郅郕郋 郈郋郇邽邾訄郇邽, 郇郋 邽 迮訄迣邽郋赲訄郇邽 郇訄 郇迠迡 邽 郈郋迮訇郇郋邽 迡迮迮邿 郋迣訄郇邽迮郇郇邾邽 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋邾邽 邽 邽 迮邾迮邿. 郱迮郇邽迮 郈迮迡訄赲郅迮郇邽邿 郋訇 邽郇赲訄郅邽迡郇郋邽 赲郅迮 郋迮郇 赲訄迠郇邾 赲 郇訄郋迮迮 赲迮邾 迡郅 訄郱訄訇郋郕邽 迮郕邽赲郇郋邿 郈郋郅邽邽郕邽 邽郇赲訄郅邽迡郇郋邽, 郋訇郅郋赲郅迮郇郇郋邿 訄邽邽郕訄邽迮邿 郋郇赲迮郇邽邽 郈郋 郈訄赲訄邾 郅迡迮邿 郋迣訄郇邽迮郇郇邾邽 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋邾邽, 郋 赲 郇訄郋迮迮 赲迮邾 邽郋郕郋 郋訇迠迡訄迮 赲 迣郱訄郇迮. 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽邽 訄邾訄邽赲訄 郈邽邽郇 邽 郈迮迡郈郋郅郕邽 郱訄郋迠迡迮郇邽 迮 邽郅邽 邽郇 迮迮郋邽郈郋赲 訄郱郅邽郇 訄郕郋郋赲, 郈迮迡訄赲郅邽 郋郋訇迮赲訄, 郕郋郋迮 郅迮迣郅邽 赲 郋郇郋赲 郋郇郋迮郇邽 迮邾邽 郕 迡迮郕郋邿 邽郇赲訄郅邽迡郇郋邽 邽 邾郋迡迮郅邽郋赲訄郇邽 迣郋迡訄赲迮郇郇郋迣郋 郋邽訄郅郇郋迣郋 郋訇郅迠邽赲訄郇邽.

迮迡赲訄邽迮郅郇迮 迮郱郅訄 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽 迡迮邾郋郇邽 訄郱郅邽郇迮 迡邽郕, 郈迮迡訄赲郅邽迮 邾郅邽邾郋迡迮郅郇邿 郕郋邾郈郅迮郕 郈郋郇邽邾訄郇邽邿 邽 郈迮迡訄赲郅迮郇邽邿: 郋 邽郈郋郅郱郋赲訄郇邽 訄郱郅邽郇 訄迮迣邽邿 赲迠邽赲訄郇邽 迡郋 訄郕邽赲郇郋邿 邽郇迮迣訄邽邽 赲 郋訇迮赲郋.

訄訄 郋郱郋赲訄 (MSc Social Work, 郇訄邽郋郇訄郅郇邿 郕郋郇郅訄郇 衩苤苳 郈郋 訄郱赲邽邽 迡迮迮邿 邾郅訄迡迮迣郋 赲郋郱訄訄)泭

23 郋郕訇, 2013

郅訄郇 訄邽邾郋赲

郋邾訄迡邽郱邾 "迮訄郅郇邿", 郇郋邾訄迡邽郱邾 "赲郋郋訇訄迠訄迮邾邿": 郈迮迮郋邾郅 郈訄郋訄郅邽郱邾 赲 迣郱訄郇迮

赲郋 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽 郋迮赲邽郅 郈郋郈郕 郈邽邾迮郇邽 郇郋赲迮 郈郋郈郕邽 赲 郋邾郅迮郇邽邽 郕郋迮赲郇邽迮赲訄 赲 迣郱訄郇迮,訄 邽邾迮郇郇郋,郇迮郈郋迮迡赲迮郇郇郋 訄邾 郈郋迮 邽郇郕郋郈郋訄邽邽 郕迣郱郋赲 赲 郈迮邽郋迡 郕郋郅郅迮郕邽赲邽郱訄邽邽 邽 郈郋郱迠迮. 訄郱邾郅 郋 郈邽邾迮郇邽邾郋邽 郅訄郕訄郇郋赲郕郋邿 邾郋迡迮郅邽 赲郋郋訇訄迠訄迮邾郋迮-迮訄郅郇郋迮-邽邾赲郋郅邽迮郕郋迮,邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅 訄郕迠迮 訄郇訄郅邽郱邽迮 郇訄郕郋郅郕郋 邽郇迮邽郋邽郱訄邽 訄郱郅邽訄郅訄 赲 郋赲迮郕郋迮 赲迮邾 邽 "郕郅訄邽迮郕邽" 郕郋郅郋郇邽訄郅郇 迮迠邽邾訄.

郅訄郇 訄邽邾郋赲 郱訄赲迮迡邽邿 郕訄迮迡 訄郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽邽, 苺虷.泭訄邽邽郅 赲郋 PhD 迡邽迮訄邽 赲 迮邿 虼郕郋郅迮 苤郋邽訄郅郇 訄郕, 訄邽迠-苳訄郇邽 邽 赲 迣郱郕郋邿 郕訄迡迮邾邽邽 訄郕.泭

October 23, 2013

Roland Hardenberg

Housing, land distribution, and local economy: The relevance of segmentary lines (uruu) in a K簿rg簿z village

Prof. Dr. Roland Hardenberg is the Head of Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology & Vice-Director of the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (AOI), Eberhard Karls University of T羹bingen

October 23, 2013

Susanne Fehlings

"Yerevan is simply a village": Armenian concepts of their capital

Dr. Susanne Fehlings is a Lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (AOI), University of T羹bingen

9 郋郕訇, 2013

邿訇迮郕 訄訄郋赲

Active Citizenship.泭郈郋郅郱郋赲訄郇邽迮 郋邽訄郅郇 迮迮邿 赲郋 訇郅訄迣郋 郋訇迮赲訄. 邽郇邿 訄郕邽赲邽郱邾 郕訄郕 邽郇邾迮郇 訇郅訄迣郋郈邽郇 邽郱邾迮郇迮郇邽邿.

26 迮郇訇, 2013

. 郱迮郅 苤訄訇邽郋赲訄

訄邽 訇赲邽迮 竄虼罈: 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕郋迮 郕邽郇郋: 郕訄郕 邽 郱訄迮邾?

郱迮郅 郈迮迡訄赲邽 邽郅 邾邽邽 邾迮郅迮郇郕郋 竄訄邽 訇赲邽迮 竄訄邽罈罈. 郋郈郋, 赲郱訄郇郇迮 迠訄郇郋赲邾 訄郋邾 邽 邾郅郋邾 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕郋迣郋 郕邽郇郋, 郋訄 迡邽郕邽郋郇郇邾邽. 觓赲郅迮 郅邽 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕郋迮 郕邽郇郋 郈郋迡郕郋邾 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽 邽郅邽 迠迮 郋 郋赲迮迮郇郇郋 郇迮郱訄赲邽邽邾訄 郈訄郕邽郕訄, 郋邽迮郇邽郋赲訄郇郇訄 郇訄 迡迣 訄迡邽郋邽 邽 訄邽訄郇郇訄 郇訄 迡迣郋邿 郋邽訄郅郇邿 迮郕? 訄郕 郈迮郱迮郇郋赲訄 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕邽邿 邽郅邾 迮迣郋 郇迮郈郋迮迡赲迮郇郇邾 迣迮郋邾 邽郇郋邾訄郇訄邾? 訄郕 赲 訄郕郋邾 邽郅邾迮 郋郋郇郋 迡郋迠迮赲迮郇郇訄 郋邾訄, 赲邽郱訄郅郇郋迮 邽 迮郕訄郅郇郋迮 郋迡迮迠訄郇邽迮? 郋 郇訄 邽 赲郋郈郋 郇迮 邾郋迠迮 訇 郋迡郇郋郱郇訄郇郋迣郋 郋赲迮訄, 郇郋 郇邽邾邽 郇迮邽郱訇迮迠郇郋 訄郅郕邽赲訄迮 郕訄迠迡邿 訄赲郋 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕郋迣郋 郕邽郇郋.

虷迮郇 邾郋郅郋迡迮迠郇 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽邿 苺 虼衪 郋郇郋赲郇訄 迮郅 郕郋郋郋迣郋 迮訄郅邽郱訄邽 郋邽郋郅郋迣邽迮郕邽 郈郋迮郕郋赲 (http://youth.hse.spb.ru ) 訄郕邽赲郇郋 訄郱赲邽赲訄迮 郈迮郈迮郕邽赲郇郋迮 郇訄郈訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 訇郋訄 赲邽郱訄郅郇 邾訄迮邽訄郅郋赲 邽 郈郋邽郱赲郋迡赲訄 邽郅邾郋赲. 郋郅郅迮郕邽 虷 赲郕郅訄迮 邽郅邾 郋 郕邽郇迮迡訄 郋郕, 邾郋郅郋迡迮迠郇 郕郅郇 邽 郈郋郅邽邽迮郕邽 迣郈郈訄 赲 苤訄郇郕-迮迮訇迣迮. 迡訄郇郇邿 邾郋邾迮郇 邾郋郇邽 邽郅邾 郋 郈郋郅邽邽迮郕郋邾 訄郕邽赲邽郱邾迮 邾郋郅郋迡迮迠邽 赲 迮郅邽郕郋訇邽訄郇邽邽 邽 郋迣訄郅邽邽.


竄訄邽 訇赲邽迮 竄虼罈, 2013, 訄赲郋 - 邾邽邽邿 邾迮郅迮郇郕郋.

苳邽郅邾 郋郱迡訄郇 赲 訄邾郕訄 訄訇郋 郇訄迡 郈郋迮郕郋邾 MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy and Civic Engagement) 邽 赲郅迮 赲郋郋邿 訄 邾迮迠迡郇訄郋迡郇郋迣郋 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕郋迣郋 邽郅邾訄 郈郋迡 郋訇邽邾 郇訄郱赲訄郇邽迮邾 竄Straight Age罈. 迮赲邿 邽郅邾 訄郕訄郱赲訄迮 郋訇 訄郇訄郋-迮郇迮 苤訄郇郕-迮迮訇迣訄, 赲郋 赲郋郋邾 邽郅邾迮 迮 邽迡迮 郋 竄郈郋郕迮邾郅赲郕邽罈 邾郋郅郋迡迮迠郇 迡赲邽迠迮郇邽, 訄邾訄邽赲訄迮邾 郇訄 郈邽邾迮迮 郋郅郋迡迮迠郇郋迣郋 迡赲邽迠迮郇邽 竄虼罈. 訄郕 迣郋迡訄赲郋 郋迣訄郇邽郱迮 訄郕邽赲郇 邾郋郅郋迡迮迠 郈郋迡 赲郋邽邾 郇訄訄郅郋邾? 訄郕邽邾 訇郅郋 迡赲邽迠迮郇邽迮 赲 2005 迣郋迡 邽 郋 郈迮迡訄赲郅迮 郋訇郋邿 郇訄 郇訄郋邽邿 邾郋邾迮郇? 訄郕 迮訄郅邽郱 訄郱郇郋郋訇訄郱郇迮 (郈郋郋邿 郈郋赲郋郕訄邽郋郇郇迮) 郋邽訄郅郇迮, 訄郕邽赲邽郕邽迮 邽 郈郋郅邽邽迮郕邽迮 郈郋迮郕 郈邽 邽郇訄郇郋赲郋邿 邽 邽迡迮郋郅郋迣邽迮郕郋邿 郈郋迡迡迮迠郕迮 郋 郋郋郇 迣郋迡訄赲訄? 衪邽 邽 迡迣邽迮 迮邾 訄郕赲訄 赲 邽郅邾迮.


Dr. Guzel Sabirova deputy director of Centre for Youth Studies at NRU Higher School of Economics in St.Petersburg, researcher at the SRC Region (Ulyanovsk State University). Her research focuses are youth cultures in the big cities and urban changes in Central Asia, children of migrants in Russia, muslim identities.

September 20, 2013

Martin Saxer

Himalayan Pathways and Central Asian roads:泭Remoteness and Connectivity in Asian Mountain Societies

In public imaginaries, Asian mountain societies continue to figure as remote and isolated realms of lifestyles that have elsewhere long disappeared. Meanwhile, development rhetoric posits new corridors, Silk Roads, and special economic zones as remedies for this presumed lack of connectivity. What is often absent from the debate are historical continuities and actual practices of cross-border connections. Comparing structural similarities and historical differences between the Eastern Himalayas and the Pamirs, this talk raises the question what the role of trade was and is in Asian mountain societies, and under which conditions border regions in Highland Asia can benefit from their location at the crossroads of global connectivity.

Martin Saxer is currently a Marie Curie Fellow at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Munich. He is working on a longterm project on the impact of China's rise on the people living along its borders. He received his PhD from the University of Oxford University in 2010 and was a Postdoc at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, from 2011 to 2013. Martin is the author of Manufacturing Tibetan Medicine: The Creation of an Industry and the Moral Economy of Tibtanness (Berghahn 2013) and the director of two documentary films (www.anyma.ch/journeys). He runs the visual ethnography website theotherimage.com.

19 迮郇訇, 2013

Make Your Own AnthroKino

苤郇邽邾訄迮邾 赲郋邽 訄郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽迮郕邽迮 邽郅邾. 邽迣郅訄訄迮邾 赲迮 郱訄邽郇迮迮郋赲訄郇郇.

迮赲訄 赲迮訄 - 郈郋邽郕 邽迡迮邿, brainstorming, 郈郅訄郇 訄訇郋 邽 .迡. 迮迡赲訄邽迮郅郇邿 郈郅訄郇 - 郇 迮邽 郕郋郋郕邽 邽郅邾郋赲 赲 迣郱訄郇迮 訄郕訄郅郇郋邿 訄郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽迮郕郋邿 迮邾訄邽郕郋邿.

訄邾 訇迡迮 郈郋邾郋迣訄 赲郈郕郇邽訄 訄郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽邽, 赲郈郕郇邽訄 -郋郕郕郋邿 郕訄迡迮邾邽邽 邽郅邾郋赲, 郈訄郕邽郕邽邿 迮郇訄邽 虴郋郅郈郋郇 訄郇訄迡郅郋赲訄.

September 9, 2013

Erica Pelta Feldman

A [reluctant?] American On 9/11

Although the events of September 11th, 2001 took place in New York City, they changed the entire world, and their effects are still felt strongly today. Unfortunately, in our complicated world, acts of violence, terrorism, war, and hate are neither uncommon nor unprecedented. So why was 9/11 so important, and why does it still loom so large in today's global public consciousness? How did 9/11 change America and the experience of being American, both at home and abroad? How has it changed the world? At this week's Anthropology Club meeting, on the 12th anniversary of 9/11, Erica Pelta Feldman will lead a discussion about the events and their aftermath, sharing her own memories and thoughts and inviting participants to share their own experiences and observations, and to ask questions they may have not had the opportunity to ask before.

About speaker: Erica Pelta Feldman is a Ph.D. candidate in linguistic anthropology at the University of Michigan and an affiliate of the anthropology department at AUCA. She is currently conducting dissertation research on subculture and urban youth culture in Bishkek.

4 迮郇訇, 2013

. 虴郋郅郈郋郇 苠迡訄郅邽迮赲訄

訄郇郕邽迮 郕迣郱: 郈郋邽郕訄 邽迡迮郇邽郇郋邽

郇訄郋迮迮 赲迮邾 "郕迣郱郕郋迮 邽邾邾邽迣訄郇郕郋迮 郋郋訇迮赲郋" 赲迮訄迮 赲郋 邾郇郋迣邽 訄郇訄 邾邽訄. 郋迡郇邽 訄郇訄 郋郇郋 郈郋迡郋郅迠訄迮 郋訄赲訄 赲迮邾迮郇郇邾 訇迮郱 郱訄郕郋郇郇 迣訄迠迡訄郇郕邽 郈訄赲, 訄 赲 迡迣邽 訄郕 郇訄郱赲訄迮邾邿 郕迣郱郕邽邿 "郇邽迮郕邽邿 郋郕郋郅郋郕" 郕郅郇郋 邽 郈郋郅邽邽迮郕邽 郕郋郇郋郅邽迡邽, 郋訇迮訄迮 郅迮迣訄郅郇邿 郈郋郅邽邽郕郋-郈訄赲郋赲郋邿 邽 迣訄迠迡訄郇郕邽邿 訄 邽 迠迮 郋訄赲郅迮 郋迡郇 邽郱 郇郋郕郅郇 迡邽訄郈郋 訄郇. 苠邽邽 郕迣郱, 迣訄迠迡訄郇迮 郋邿 訄郇 1982迣. 郇迮邾郋 郇訄 赲郋 邾訄郅郋邽郅迮郇郇郋, 郋迡邽郇 邽郱 郱郇訄赲訄迮邾 邽 郋郱訄迮邾. 衪郋 赲郱訄郇郋 郕訄郕 邽郋邽迮邿 邽 邾邽迣訄邽邽 迡訄, 訄郕 邽 郋郈迮迡迮郅迮郇郇邾邽 郈郋郅邽邽迮郕邽邾邽 邽 郕郋郇郋邾邽迮郕邽邾邽 訄郕郋訄邾邽 赲郋 赲郱訄邽邾郋郋郇郋迮郇邽 迣郱訄郇訄 邽 苠邽邽 赲 郈郋郅迮迡郇迮迮 赲迮邾. 苳郋邾邽郋赲訄郇邽迮 郕迣郱郕郋邿 迡邽訄郈郋 赲 苠邽邽, 郇訄邽赲訄訄 郇訄 迮迣郋迡郇 郋郕郋郅郋 3500 迮郅郋赲迮郕 邽邾迮迮 赲郋 郇迮郋迡邽郇訄郇 邽郋邽. 郇訄 赲郱訄郇訄 邾邽迣訄邽迮邿 赲 20-30-迮 迣郋迡 20 郋郅迮邽 邽郱 訄郇 邽郋迡訄, 赲 訄郇郋邽 邽郱 訄邾邽訄 赲 迣訄郇邽訄郇 郇迮郕郋郋 郕迣郱郕邽 郈郅迮邾迮郇 郈郋迡 郈迮迡赲郋迡邽迮郅赲郋邾 訄郈訄郕郅訄, 郋訄 邽郱赲迮郇郋迣郋 訄郇訄 訄邾訄郇郕郅訄, 郕郋郋邿 1938 迣郋迡訄 郈郋郅迮 邾迮邽 赲郋迮迣郋 郋訄 訄郅 郅邽迡迮郋邾 郕迣郱郕郋邿 迡邽訄郈郋 郇訄訄郅訄 赲 迣訄郇邽訄郇迮, 訄 郱訄迮邾 赲 苠邽邽. 郋邾 迣郋迡 郋邾迮訄迮 100-郅迮邽迮 訄郇訄 訄邾訄郇郕郅訄 邽 迠迮 郈郋赲迮迡迮郇郋 迡 邾迮郋郈邽邽邿 郈郋 迮赲郋赲訄郇邽 郋邿 迡訄 郕訄郕 赲 苠邽邽, 訄郕 邽 赲 迣郱訄郇迮.

郱迮郇邽迮 郕迣郱郕郋邿 迡邽訄郈郋 赲 苠邽邽, 赲郱赲訄郅 郕迣 赲郋郈郋郋赲, 赲郋-郈迮赲 郕訄訄迮邾迮 邽郈邽郱訄邽邽, 郕郅訄邽邽郕訄邽邽 邽 邾迮郋迡邽郕邽 迮迮 邽郱迮郇邽 邽 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽, 赲郋 赲郋 郋郇郋邽迮郅郇郋 迮迮 郕郋郇郋邾邽迮郕郋邿, 郈郋郅邽邽迮郕郋邿 邽 郕郅郇郋邿 邽迡迮郇邽郇郋邽.

訄郕邽迮 郕郋郅郅邽郱邽邽 迠邽郱郇邽 郕迣郱郕訄 迡邽訄郈郋訄 邽郈赲訄 赲 苠邽邽, 郕郋郋訄 赲 訄邾郕訄 訄郕 郇訄郱赲訄迮邾郋迣郋 竄郇郋赲郋迣郋 郋邾訄郇邽郱邾訄罈, 訄訄迮 迮訄郅邽郱郋赲赲訄 郈郋郅邽邽郕 郇邽迮郕郋迣郋 邽 迮郅邽迣邽郋郱郇郋迣郋 郈郅訄郅邽郱邾訄; 郕訄郕 邽 郕訄郕邽邾 郋訇訄郱郋邾 郋郇訄 訄迡訄郈邽迮 郕 郈郋迮訄邾 郋赲迮邾迮郇郇郋邿 迣郅郋訇訄郅邽郱訄邽邽; 邽 郕訄郕 郋 "郕郋郇郋郅邽迡邽迮迮 迡邽訄郈郋訄郅郇郋迮 郋郋訇迮赲郋"郋訄郇迮 赲郋 郇郋郇邽郕訄郅郇郋, 赲 訄郇郋邽 赲 郋訇郅訄邽 訇訄郇郋-迮邾迮邿郇郋邿 郈訄郕邽郕邽?

赲迮 郇訄 邽 邽 迡迣邽迮 赲郋郈郋, 訄赲郋 郈郋郈訄郅 郋訇郇訄迠邽 赲 邾訄迮-邽郇迮 郋迣郋 迣郋迡訄 赲 苠邽邽 赲 郈迮邽郋迡 郈郋郋迠迡迮郇邽 迡迮郇訄邾邽 3 郕訄 郈郋迣訄邾邾 郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽邽 苺虷 郇郋迣訄邽迮郕郋邿 郈訄郕邽郕邽.

虴郋郅郈郋郇 迠訄郈訄訇迮郕郋赲郇訄 苠迡訄郅邽迮赲訄,
迡.邽.郇 郈郋迮郋 苺虷, 訄赲郋 迡赲 邾郋郇郋迣訄邽邿 邽 訇郋郅迮迮 20 訄迮邿 郋訇 邽郋邽邽 邽 郕郅迮 郕迣郱郋赲 赲 迡訄 郱訄訇迮迠郇 郈迮迮赲迮郇郇邽郕郋赲 19-郇訄訄郅訄 20 赲赲.,

訇郅訄 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽: 邽郋邽 郕迣郱郋赲 邽 迣郱訄郇訄, 訄郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽 郋迡赲訄, 訄郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽 郈迮迮赲邽邿, 郇訄郋迡 邽 郕郅 虷迮郇訄郅郇郋邿 郱邽邽, 邾郱迮邿郇訄 迮郋邽 邽 郈訄郕邽郕訄, 郋訄郇迮郇邽迮 訇邽郋郕郅郇郋迣郋 邾郇郋迣郋郋訇訄郱邽 邽 郇訄郅迮迡邽.

虴郅迮郇 迡邽迮訄邽郋郇郇郋迣郋 郋赲迮訄 郈郋 郱訄邽迮 迡邽迮訄邽邿 郇訄 郋邽郕訄郇邽迮 迮郇郋邿 迮郈迮郇邽 迡郋郕郋訄 (郕訄郇迡邽迡訄訄) 郇訄郕 郈郋 郈迮邽訄郅郇郋邽 07.00.02 - 郋迮迮赲迮郇郇訄 邽郋邽 07.00.07 - 郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽, 郇郋郅郋迣邽 邽 郇郋迣訄邽. 虴郅迮郇 郕郋邾邽邽邽 郈邽 迮郱邽迡迮郇迮 郈郋 邽郱迮郇邽 邽郋邽邽 郕迣郱郋赲 邽 迣郱訄郇訄, 郋郅邽郇邽郕 郕郅 邽郇邽迮赲訄 郕郅, 邽郇郋邾訄邽邽 邽 邽郱邾訄 .

2023 51勛圖
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + xt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028

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