INDIA Mehr Banoo Mirzayee Year of graduation: 2018 Department: Bussiness Department Other Degree(s) obtained:MA. Applied Psychology Meher Bano Mirzayee, the youngest of her family but living with the biggest dream of her life which is to bring a positive change not only in her society also in all over the world. Since childhood, she considered herself a global citizen and got the opportunity to take a trip to almost nine countries including her hometown. She believes in variety and pluralism, which can be the grounds for one mankind on this planet. Her leisure pursuit is to travel and enlarge her friendship zone. Besides that, she has done lots of social services for orphanages, older adulthood, and vulnerable people. She believes, serving people in need will reinforce you with internal happiness. Help can be in the form of giving out your time and knowledge and make great use of it. Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b624 |
TAJIKISTAN Umarjon Vohidov Year of graduation: 2024 Department: LAS - SE "51Թwas a place where I built myself piece by piece. It offered interdisciplinary courses that enhanced my problem solving skills and broadened my perspective. But most importantly, it connected me with like-minded people who inspired and supported my personal and professional growth." Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b1173 |
TURKMENISTAN Asya Konstanyan Year of graduation: 2019 Department: Psychology Place of work: Economic Society Yashyl Gala "In terms of personal development, I have obtained confidentiality, negotiations skills, public performance skills and skills of learning new information with no fear to fail. Maybe that is why today I am procurement manager in a sphere of oil&gas, in spite of having degree in psychology. Besides work I do have private academic writing students and behavioral therapy patients. As an artist I used to perform at the big stage of Ashgabat as a vocalist." Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b1103 |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Asel Rakisheva Year of graduation: 1997 Department: Business Administration Priorto coming to Dubai,Aselworked as a PR and Government RelationsOfficer atthe AmericanAirforceAirbase in Kyrgyzstan. Shehas been working in real estateforthe last 13 years in various fields such as facilitiesmanagement, leasingand sales in Residential and commercial, as well as in operations. Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b1089 |
Azerbaijan Aziza Raimova Year of graduation: 2013 Department: ICP Place of work: Kerven Logistics ( Ashgabad, Turkmenistan) Other Degree(s): Saint-Petersburg State University Degree(s) obtained Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b1109 |
South Korea Uluk Batyrgaliev Year of graduation: 2022 Department: Psychology Place of work: ECOM, Health Officer Other Degree(s): KDI School of Public Policy and Management Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b1105 |
CANADA Sezim Oskonbaeva Year of graduation: 2014 Department: European Studies Other Degree(s): Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic "51Թis more than just getting a degree, 51Թalso teaches and enhances soft skills and prepares you for “after university” life. I received education, established lifelong relationships with friends and my favorite professor, who also became my mentor and role model, and I will always cherish all the memories of my student life (including lunches in Kichinette and naps in old campus sofas)" Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b773 |
SPAIN Asel Botpayeva Year of graduation: 2012 Department: International and Comparative Politics Other Degree(s): MPA in International Finance and Economic Policy. Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b772 |
AUSTRIA Natalia Steinbach Year of graduation: 2002 Department: International and Comparative Politics Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b684 |
KAZAKHSTAN Yulia Abdulaeva Year of graduation: 2012 Department: European Studeis Other Degree(s):Master of Arts In International Relations and European studies, Central European University "Entering 51Թhas been one of the best chances I have taken. It was outstanding not only knowledge and skills wise but also in terms of perspectives and opportunities that became available to me through the 51Թnetwork." Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b771 |
CHINA Lyubov Lakomova Year of graduation: 2014 Department: International and Comparative Politics Other Degree(s):Master of Arts In Human Rights Studies, Columbia University in the City of New York "Besides giving me the fundamentals of academic knowledge and an invaluable experience of forming my personality while living and studying abroad (Kyrgyzstan became my second home for 4 years), 51Թgave me the most valuable resource — a diverse network of friends, colleagues and mentors, with whom I interact closely to this day and build projects and ideas together." Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b675 |
HUNGARY Adilet Kanymet Year of graduation: 2013 Department: Bussiness Administration Other Degree(s) obtained:
Adilet is a graduate of Business Administration department at 51Թin 2013. Currently, he is pursuing his Master’s degree at Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary. He is experienced in project management, marketing, and digital financial services. Moreover, he has experience in the FMCG industry (Organic TM), telecommunications sphere (Beeline TM) and start-ups. Adilet says that 51Թgave himlife-long friends and taught him to work in a team, to think creatively and analyze information. Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b625 |
USA (East Coast) ANASTASIIA IUN Year of graduation:2017 Department: Psychology Other Degree(s): BACB Approved Course Sequence Certificate of Completion, Clemson University Anastasiia says 51Թhas taught her to "Dream High!"
Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b674 |
AFGHANISTAN/ USA Idrees Darwaish Year of graduation: 2015 "51Թwas the platform for me to improve both professionally and personally. I cant count my professional and personal learnings from AUCA, but I am sure my every decsion is affected by the knowledge I have learnt at AUCA" Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b677 |
FRANCE Iana - Anastasiia Ivashkina Year of graduation: 2018 Department: International and Comparative Politics Other Degree(s) obtained: MA Pantheon Sorbonne Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b665 |
IRELAND Saikal Nogoibaeva Year of graduation:2013 Department: International and Comparative Politics Other Degree(s):MSc Programme and Project Management, University of Warwick Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b671 |
Netherlands Tatiana Ni Year of graduation: 2006 Departament: Business Administration Other degrees: Master degree in "Environmental and energy management", Twente University, the Netherlands Currently working as a Product Owner / Customer Data Management at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines "Studying at 51Թhas become a turning point which changed my life 180 degrees. My experience and skills gained at 51Թwere a basis of all my academic and career achievements I have so far. I believe the uniqueness of 51Թis that it provides all facilities and possibilities for its students to excel, and it is a choice of each student how much he or she wants to get out of it." Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b984 |
BALKAN STATES Alla Voevodina Year of graduation:2004 Department: Journalism Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b609 |
GERMANY Aiperi Otunchieva Year of graduation: 2011 Department: International and Comparative Politics Other Degree(s):
"51Թhas given me a lot both in professional and personal aspects which was crucial for my further development. Just to a name a few - professional: besides theories in political science and economics, critical thinking, academic writing, sustainable development, better understanding of history of Kyrgyzstan, network.Personal: social skills, lifelong friends, 51Թspirit, like-minded acquaintances, confidence in future" Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b676 |
PAKISTAN (South Asian Region) Ammar Younas Year of graduation: 2017 Department: ICP Other Degree(s) obtained:
"51Թgave me an opportunity to experience a true world class liberal arts education environment. It helped me to look at the world through the prism of liberty, democracy and progressiveness." Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b673 |
THE UK MADINA DEMIRBAS (AKHMETSHINA) Year of graduation: 2010 Department: Psychology Other Degree(s) obtained: 1. CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY 2.GESTALT CENTRE LONDON "I WOULD START WITH REGION - MIDLANDS AND SOUTHERN ENGLAND (IT INCLUDES LONDON), Link to this block: /en/ambassadors/#b1081 |
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