June 23, 2017
At the 2017 Commencement Ceremony, recent graduate Nariman Utegaliev was recognized for his exceptional senior thesis work. Utegaliev took some time to tell us about his research and thank the people who helped him produce his award-winning work.
My senior thesis investigated the impact of sexuality on gender role internalization. My primary research question was whether there is a relationship between sexuality and gender roles and categories. In my research, I implemented quantitative research method. I conducted the research through the administration of surveys and questionnaires to address and answer my research question.
Writing a senior thesis was a difficult and daunting task; however, I learned a lot during this time. The senior thesis provides every student the opportunity to conduct independent scientific research, teaching them how to practically implement the knowledge they acquired at the university. I learned to think like a scientist, which required objectivity and, to some extent, ingenuity. It was a fulfilling experience for me as it was, I believe, for many senior students at the university.
I did not expect my senior thesis to be nominated as the best thesis. I was taken by complete surprise when I learned that my research was recognized as the best at the university. For this achievement, I am thankful to my thesis supervisor, Nina Bagdasarova, who assisted me in the project over two academic semesters. I owe my gratitude to the wonderful professors of the Department of Psychology for their feedback and constructive criticism. It goes without saying that I am infinitely grateful to my family for their support throughout my life at the university.
Graduation from the university is an important milestone in the life of every individual, since they will have to make decisions and choices that will affect their lives and their immediate community. Being a student at 51Թwas a transformative experience for me: I learned independence and prioritized my goals in life.Graduating from 51Թand embarking on the next stage of my life, I am confident in my ability to make the right decisions about my life and my future. Studying at 51Թplayed a crucial role in deciding what I want to do in the future and who I want to become.
Choosing 51Թas the place for my undergraduate studies was one of the best decisions in my life. 51Թprovided me with the opportunities and tools to think independently and creatively. Each year of my studies at 51Թbrought me closer my goals, and I received from 51Թmore than I could have ever expected.