
Brain Ring 2018: The winners of 51ԹSpring Cup

Brain Ring 2018: The winners of 51ԹSpring Cup

April 20, 2018

On April 18, 2018, an annual 51ԹSpring Cup “Brain Ring” in 12thtime was held among high school students in the Conference Hall of AUCA. About 100 high school students, who passed preliminary test, took part in this competition.

The competition traditionally consists of two stages: the fight for the cup of 51Թand individual games. The main prize is three different scholarships in the amount of 100%, 80% and 75% of the tuition fee discount for four years of studying at AUCA.
This year 51ԹBrain Ring Cup went to the team of Bishkek Lyceum named after Chyngyz Aitmatov, which defeated the high school №65 in the final.

There were 10 participants in final:

  • Bekboeva Aidana(Bilimkana-51Թhigh school»)
  • Imanalieva Kanykei(school №13 )
  • Dushebaeva Aidana(school №24)
  • Kazakova Eliza (school№61)
  • Almazbekova Aida(school №24)
  • Sydygaliev Ulan (Bishkek Lyceum named after Chingiz Aitmatov)
  • (ǴDZ№61)
  • Pankova Marya (Hermann-Gmeiner-School)
  • Kurmanbekov Ermek(school № 67)
  • Myrakulov Atai(Ilim School)

At this stage, we have chosen three winners that received certificates for the scholarship.

1-st place– Bekboeva Aidana, 100%, (Bilimkana-51Թhigh school)

2-d placeMyrzakulov Atai– 80%, (Ilim School)

3-d placeKurmanbekov Ermek– 75%, (school № 67)

All 10 finalists for the personal championship have received certificates of participation and memorable souvenir prizes from AUCA.

We are sure that all participants will come back to pass entrance exam because during these six months that project is running they unwittingly become part of AUCA.And this is probably the main prize, which annually benefits the University to attract to its ranks the top graduate high school students of Bishkek.

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