
Tragic loss of 51勛圖graduate Fatima Khalil

Tragic loss of 51勛圖graduate Fatima Khalil

June 27, 2020

It's terrible to hear about the loss of our graduate Fatima Khalil, who became a victim of the terrorist attack today in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Fatima was kind and intelligent young lady, excellent student, and beloved daughter and friend.

We express the deepest condolences to Fatima's family and friends. She will always be in our hearts and minds.

Fatima graduated from the AUCA's Human Rights program in 2019 at the age of 23. She worked for the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) as a donor coordinator.

Please scroll down for Dari and Pashto translations


椈 堹堭 堮塈奡埵 堻堭 堮堥堭 塈堮堻堛 堬 椈堛 堻堮 塈堭媞 奡 堞媞埵 塈媟 堮 堹 塈奡堹 奡 塈 堹 塈堹堹 塈 堹 媞埵 椈 堛堭 琠 堬塈 椈 堬塈 奡 堹 塈媢塈堻堛塈 堹 琠塈堥 椈 奡塈堭 琠 堭堥塈 奡.
塈媟 堹堭 堮塈堮埵 塈 奡塈堭 堿埵 堶媯 堹堮椈埵 琠堭埵 痧堭塈 堭 塈 堬堭 堻塈堹埵 痧堭埵 .
堹 堬堭 琠 堮椈 媢 堮塈奡 塈 堛塈堙堳堭塈堛 堹 塈媟埵 琠堭埵 塈 堹堻堛塈 堛 堻堭痧堹 . 堹 媞埵 塈堹 堥 堛 堬 椈 堬堭 塈 堸 琠埵 堹 .
塈媟埵 椈 2019 塈 琠塈 琠 堹 51勛圖堹 椈堛 堹 堥奡堭 堶 椈 堻塈痧 琠 堮椈 堬堹 琠堭 堹 23 琠塈 椈 媢堭 椈塈 堛 堭堻.
塈媟埵 椈 琠塈堥 琠 堹 塈媞塈堻堛塈 堹 堥奡堭 堶 堮椈塈琠 琠堻 (AIHRC) 琠 堹 堹媞 琠堻 堹 塈堭堛堥塈媟塈堛 堹堛堭 堹 堞堭埵 椈 堶堳 琠塈堭 琠塈.


堥塈 堹堭堹 堛塈堙堻 堭塈塈 塈媟塈媢 塈堛 琠 堶堛堭 塈媟 堮 塈堭媞 塈堛堶媯 椈堛 塈 堹堭 塈堳堭 塈堿塈堭 琠 塈 堿塈 堻塈堬 奡堹 堹堭 堛堭 堶塈 堹堭奡堭 琠塈堥 塈媞塈堻堛塈 堭堥塈 奡堹.
塈媟 堹堮堛堭 堭堥塈 奡塈堭 堶媯 椈奡堛塈堬 堭堬堹 堹堻堛堹塈奡堛 塈堹 堭 堹堻堬 堭堥塈 堥堭塈 堹堻堛塈奡 堥堹.
塈 堛塈堙堳堭塈堛 媢 堮堹堭塈 堥 塈 堹堻堛塈 塈媟 塈堥堭塈堬 堹塈堭.
堮塈媟堭塈堛 塈 堥堭塈 奡 堹堭 堥 堸 塈 塈堹痧塈堭 堮塈堹 堥堹.
塈媟 堛堶媯塈堛 堮堹堭塈 堹堭 堭奡堛 塈 堶 堥奡堭 椈堛 51勛圖堹堭 堻塈 2019 堥 媢堭 23 堻塈痧 堥 椈塈塈 堭堻塈堹.
塈 堹堭 琠堻 堻堛 堶 堥奡堭 塈媞塈堻堛塈 (AIHRC) 堥 堶堳 堞堭 堹堛堭 塈堭堛堥塈媟塈堛 塈 琠堻 琠塈堭 琠堭堹.

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