Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Ajibekov .S., Professor, KNAU.
«Climate Change and Food Security of Kyrgyzstan»
o Presentation
Saipov B.S. – Professor, KNAU.
«Climatic anomalies and adaptive technologies for use of land and water resources in addresssing food security issues in Kyrgyzstan»
o Presentation
Kulov .. Director of Irrigation Research Institute, KNAU.
«Ways to preserve the productivity of irrigated lands under climate change and water scarcity»
o Presentation
Michelle Leighton, Professor of Law, Deputity director of TSPC, AUCA.
«New methods and lessons on climate adaptation: findings of UNU Keystone Conference in Bonn, UNFCCC 'loss and damage', and UNUI projects in Kyrgyzstan»
o Presentation
Uzakbaeva Zh., Project Coordinator, UNDP Climate Risk Management in Kyrgyzstan. «Methods of Climate Risk management in Kyrgyz agricultural communities to improve adaptation»
o Presentation
Keigo Obara, Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping(VAM) Officer, WFP/Kyrgyzstan.
«Household food security monitoring in 2010-2012 livehood mapping for understanding climate impacts on household food security»
o Presentation
Abdykerimov .., Professor. 郈郋迮郋, Director of the Veterinary Research Institute, KNAU.
«Environmental and epizootic monitoring of animal diseases in ensuring food safety in the country»
o Presentattion
Oskonbaev .B., Associate professor, KNAU.
«Agricultural Busines & Marketing ensuring food security»
o Presentation
Djunusov .., Associate Professor, KNAU.
«Climate change and the issues of agricultural crops protection from pests and diseases»
o Presentation
Laurie Ashley, Natural Resource Management Advisor, Aga Khan Foundation.
«Methods and findings from climate change resilience assessments in 14 mountain communities in southern Kyrgyzstan»
o Presentation
Kubanychbekov Z., Research Fellow of the International Mountains Institute.
«Sustainable land management in the Pamir mountains»
o Presentation
Asanaliev .Zh., Associate Professor, KNAU.
«Issue of soil-and-water-saving technologies for adaptation in Central Asia»
o Presentation