On request, and with the prior approval of their home universities, foreign students can be admitted to the program for a single semester.泭 There is also a possibility to combine a one-semester study with summer fieldwork or an internship.
Students can attend the program for the sole purpose of enriching or supplementing their coursework with a semester abroad in Central Asia. Inquiries, including the possibilities of fieldwork supervision and internships, should be addressed to Svetlana Jacquesson (jacquesson_s@auca.kg).
Upon request, core field courses can be opened to persons who are unable to take the whole program, but would like to enhance their knowledge in a particular field of Central Asian studies. They will be asked to pay a tuition fee for these courses. Inquiries in regard to attending specific courses should be addressed to Svetlana Jacquesson (jacquesson_s@auca.kg).泭