The Institute provides a large range of services listed below. Most of the services are provided by a team advanced master level as well as bachelor level students, closely supervised by certified professionals (see Staff section). Counseling, group therapy and assessment services are provided only by the students of the second year of master' program in psychology, in collaboration with or under supervision of our Staff.泭
All services are available in English, Russian and Kyrgyz.泭
Counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families and groups
The Institute offers counseling, consultation and guidance services for individuals, families and groups. The specific services available at the Institute include counseling related to:
ABA-therapy for children with developmental disorders
Psychiatric consultations
Assessment and diagnosis
The Institute is providing assessment and diagnostic services for individuals, families and groups. The following types of assessment and diagnostic services are available for the community:
The Institute provides full assessment and initial consultations for individuals, families and groups on the bases of the assessment conducted.
The Institute staff consults the clientele on the further assessment and treatment options, including mental health counseling provided at the Institute and in the community.
Trainings for professionals
The Institute offers a range of trainings for professionals and non-professionals on a variety of泭topics. The trainings for the community include workshops and lectures on such topics are assessment, psychotherapy and counseling, research in social sciences, ethics and others. The training for non-professionals will include trainings for parents of children with disabilities, parents of children with autism, trainings for specialists in other helping and education professions (e.g., trainings for teachers). The Institute is also inviting international and local specialists to conduct workshops and seminars on specific topics, both for community and for professionals.
The Institute actively conducts research in the fields of psychology, social sciences and related disciplines. The research projects are often the results of collaboration with different mental health providers and other agencies locally and internationally. High quality of the research conducted by the Intitute specialists makes is valuable product for the community.泭