
2023 51Թ - 51Թ- Incoming Exchange Students


Experience development as it happens in Kyrgyzstan. 51Թgives you the opportunity to work in a developing country, doing the research that matters to you, all while taking courses in English and earning credit for your work at your home institution.

If you want to be in the heart of the world's youngest democracy, we will do everything we can to get you here. Just follow the instructions below to start your journey to AUCA.

Important Note: Students of North American Universities wishing to apply to 51ԹStudy Abroad must do so throughonly.Students of universities outside North America can either apply through their own institution, or on their own by following the steps below. Click to see a list of

The deadline for Bard Program students to apply for spring semester 2017 is November 1, 2017. For fall semester 2017 and academic year 2017-2018 at AUCA, it is April 1, 2018.

The deadline for otherinternational exchange students coming from 51Թpartner and non-partner schools for Spring semester 2017 is November 20, 2017.



  • Fill out the or send the and supporting documents to:
    • 51ԹOffice of Admissions
      7/6Aaly TokombaevSt., Room G20
      Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic720060
      Telephone: (+996312) 915-000 (ext. 406)


  • Please state your reasons for applying to the chosen program of the 2023 51Թ, and how your studies at 51Թwill contribute toward your life goals; also tell us what you feel most enthusiastic about and whether this has influenced your life in any way. Limit your statement of purpose to 700 words. Please attach your statement of purpose to this application.

*Note: Exchange students nominated by AUCA-partner Universities Coordinators are not required to submit Statement of Purpose.


  • Official copies (notarized photocopies) of current university transcripts / marksheets
    • Upon arrival to the university,the document issued by the foreign academic institution and its notarized Russian translation (including transcripts / marksheets) must besubmitted to the Ministry for Education of the Kyrgyz Republic in order to confirm the level and content of study completed. The Ministry willissue a certificate recognizing the applicant’s education, which should be submitted to the Office of Admissions to be kept on file).


  • Copy of passport information pages and for non-Kyrgyz citizens living in Kyrgyzstan, a copy of the Kyrgyz Republic visa page (international students must check in with the International Student Office (room 128) within 2 days of arrival to submit copies of their Kyrgyz Visa andcomplete Ministry of Internal Affairs registration paperwork).
  • 4 color passport-style photographs (3 x 4 cm – white background)


  • Medical certificate, confirming all vaccinations and immunizations as well as health screenings for Tuberculosis (for applicants from the CIS,the Medical certificate is known as the Form 086-Y)
  • Medical certificate, confirming the test for HIV and screening for Syphilis.
  • Medical certificate, confirming the test for Malaria (a must for students planning to reside at the Dorm).
  • Medical certificate, confirming the test for Rubella and Measles IgG and IgM ( if didn't get vaccinated or lost a vaccination card)


  • All international students should start their visa application to the Kyrgyz Republic no later than 30 days prior to their arrival. 51Թprovides letters of support for all students who require it. Visa procedures differ greatly depending on your country of citizenship. To learn what kind of visa you will need to study at AUCA, follow the link: .


  • Students must fill out a course registration form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar by the application deadline to be enrolled at 51Թfor the desired semester. Visiting/exchange students can take any courses listed in the University catalogue, given that course prerequisite conditions are met, where necessary. The maximum allowable number of course credits a visiting/exchange student may take is 18 per semester (according to old credit system) and 30 per semester (according to new ECTS credit system).


  • Tuition for all exchange students will be the same as for 51Թundergraduate students: $100 per one credit. Students fromwill be responsible only for their home university tuition. Financial aid is available only in extreme circumstances.
  • To proceed with payment, a student will need to be present in AUCA. The student chooses courses, registers them at the Office of the Registrar by filling the and brings his/her Study Card with selected courses to the 51ԹOffice of Finance. Once received an invoice for payment from the Office of Finance, the student needs to pay for the coursesto the bank. The Office of Finance will givethe student the bank detail information. You are strongly advisedto keep receipts for any payments done to the 51Թuntil you leave AUCA.
  • In addition, semester-long exchange students can choose an option to reside at 51ԹDormitory or rent an apartment. You are strongly advised to reserve a place at the school Dormitory as early as possible. For more information about 51ԹDormitory, please, visit the school . If you want to rent the appartment, please search local websites of renting, such as and (resources are in Russian).


The 2023 51Թ holds its courses in ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). The typical fall/spring semester schedule includes 30 academic credits. Typically, one course consists of six credits, and it implies that classes meet twice a week.

In most cases, students must get pre-approval of their courses by their home institution’s Registrar to be sure that they will meet therequirements at their home institution. The 51ԹRegistrar serves as the advisor to visiting students and will help them plan their program.

All exchange students are entitled to receive transcripts, unless special conditions apply as may be the case with special programs and institutional agreements. A transcript of your coursework will be sent directly from the 51ԹRegistrar’s Office to your home institution.


Exchange students have access to all the student services that are available to 51Թstudents and are expected to abide by the


If an exchange student decides to obtain a degree at 51Թhe/she must re-apply as a degree seeking student and follow the standard conditions for admission as a full-time student as per the Admission Policy of the academic year in which he/she applies to the degree program. No more than 36 credit hours earned at 51Թas an exchange student may be counted toward a degree program at 51Թwithout grades. Only credits for courses with grades higher than “C” can be transferred. Credits earned at other universities can be transferred to 51Թas per the transfer policy.

2023 51Թ
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028