Concentration Required Courses (30 credits):
100 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies (new)
200 Conflict Resolution and Conflict Transformation (new)
200 Psychology of Conflict (PSY)
300 Peace and Violence: Causes and Conditions (PSY)
300 Peace Studies Theories (new)
Concentration Elective Courses (30 credits):
100 Introduction to Human Rights (LAW)
100 Introduction to Gender Studies (SOC)
200 Cross-Cultural Communication in the Age of Google-Translate (ANTH)
200 Migration and Development in Central Asia: Policy, Economic Impact and Society (ANTH)
200 Social Stratification and Inequality (SOC)
200 Sociology of Conflict (SOC)
300 Contemporary Issues in Conflict and Security Studies (ICP)
300 Ethnicity and Identity in Multicultural Societies (ANTH)
300 Anthropology of Religion (ANTH)
300 Civic Engagement: Global Trends and Development of Civil Society in Central Asia (ICP)
300 Mediation: Alternative Dispute Resolution Technology (LAW)
300 United Nations Efforts for Sustaining Peace (LAW)