To receive a minor in Social Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking students must have permission of their department chair and the chair of Liberal Arts and Sciences program. Students must have a GPA of 2.70 or higher and a C- grade or above in all courses that will count towards the minor. Only successful candidates, whose transcripts will meet all the requirements of the program, will be granted a minor in Social Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking.
To obtain a permission of the Chair of Liberal Arts and Sciences program for the minor in Social Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking, students shall submit the following documents:
Course requirements:
Six core courses (36 credits):
Introduction to Sociology (SOC)
Intro to Microeconomic Theory (ECO)
Sociology of Development (SOC/LAS)
Social Entrepreneurship (LAS)
Design Thinking and Innovation Lab (BA/LAS)
Social Enterprise and Frugal Innovation (BA)
One courses from the following list (6 credits):
Intro to Marketing (BA)
Enterprise-Wide Risk Management (EMSD)
Technology and Culture (SYS/HUM/ART/SS)
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (LAS/EMSD)
International Environmental Law and policy (LAS/EMSD)
Introduction to Finance (BA/ECO)
Investment Law and Sustainable Development (IBL)
Cross-Cultural Management (BA/JMC)
Accounting for Environmental Management & Sustainability (LAS/EMSD)
Managerial Accounting (BA)
Fund Development for Non-Profits (ICP/SOC)
Management Analytics (BA)
International Development: Donors, NGOs, Communities and Culture (ANT)
Consumer Behavior (BA)
Environment, sustainability and development in Central Asia (LAS/EMSD)