Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: April 21 – 27, 2012
Head of MFA RK: Kazakhstan is in the List of Reduced Risk of Human Trafficking
Quota for Oralmans immigration stopped
International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection 2012 opens in Astana
Unemployed youth to be engaged in bee farming in Kostanai |
The I World Congress of Kyrgyzstanis and Compatriots under the aegis of the President of Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: .
JK Committee Head A. Keldibekov: Unofficial remittances to Kyrgyzstan reach $ 3 billion annually In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan and Russia continue reviewing migration problems In Russian: .
J. Otorbaev: 60% of State Budget of Kyrgyzstan – is remittances sent by our migrants In Russian: .
U. Chinaliev gets Highest Award of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RF In Russian: .
Ambassador G.Iskakova: Labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan work illegally in Italy In Russian: or here.
Three children abandoned by their parents, Kyrgyz citizens, arrive in from Moscow In Russian: .
Representatives of Kyrgyz Diaspora in Almaty meet JK MPs In Russian: or here.
External migration activity slows down in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: or here.
Because of internal migration and transfer to electric heating electricity utilization increases to 40%, - “Severelektro” In Russian: or here.
According to results of the government’s 100 days program it turns out that on paper everyone feels improvement, - MP D.Bekeshev In Russian: or here.
Happy Birthday, Tiumen Regional Public Organization “Birimdik”! In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan citizens having received necessary documents left Orenburg In Russian: .
Fates of Kyrgyz people in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Turkey and the I World Congress of Kyrgyzstanis and Compatriots in July 2012 In Russian: .
Yekaterinburg hosts Day of Middle Ural Peoples In Russian: .
Case proceedings stops for no evidence of administrative violation In Russian: .
Premier of “Pustoi dom” (‘Empty house’) by Nurbek Egen to be screened in May in Bishkek In Russian: or here. |
IMF: Gastarbeiters provide third of GDP of Tajikistan
Tajikistan and Qatar agree on draft Agreement on labor migration
IOM to help Tajikistan set up Retraining Centers for Labor Migrants
Message of Tajikistan President to Parliament to be distributed among migrants
Dushanbe discusses future developments of Tajik-Russian cooperation
Tojikhorijakor opens office in Russia
TNU offers vocational training on Russian language
Women entrepreneurship in Tajikistan
Labor migrant may become undesirable in Russia
Will children of Tajik migrants be able to get Russian citizenship in ‘maximally simplified way’?
Role of Tajik migrants in contemporary development stage of Russia discussed in Yekaterinburg
Kulyab labor registry registers 95 amnestied |
Remittance Volume between Uzbekistan and Russia counted at USD 4.5 billion
Uzbekistan must put an end to forced child labor in cotton fields, – Human Rights Watch
Uzbekistan banks to stop pay remittances in US dollars, - Uzmetronom
Debt paid off fully to migrants |
Medvedev approves migration policy up to 2025
Dmitri Medvedev submits to State Duma amendments to the law on Russian citizenship
Migration service + Russian government = migration problems solved, - S.Shoigu
Medvedev urges CIS countries to joint fight against illegal migration
Number of migrants grows every year
FMS deported more than 5 thousand illegal migrants out of Russia
Human rights activists believe that keeping foreigners in special detention center in RF should be more transparent
Education and Science Ministry of RF contriutes its part to improve labor migration situation in the territory of Russia
News check rules in airports introduced in Russia
Russian language tests for migrants is solved issue
“New Moscow” relies on labor forces inflow
Novosibirsk oblast population grew due to migration
Number of registered migrants increase in Samara
Migrants and their children to learn Russian in Kalinin raion
Special detention centers for illegal migrants to appear in South Ural
Brigadier in Moskoi Fasad construction site attempts “protecting” Gastarbeiter by bribing
Granat’s deputy commander appointed head of Migrants Temporary Stay Center |
IMF: Central Asian labor migrants remittances in 2012 to grow 13% more
To work in Russia like at home
Gastarbeiter settle in new houses before owners shift in |
London may face charges for immigration limits
Migrants in France to give French language tests
Italy authorities toughen sanction against employers hiring illegal migrants
USA-2012: illegal immigration dispute |
Feminization of contemporary migration
“Do not take FMS as a law enforcement agency”
Tolerance and xenophobia in Russian society
Rights of labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan: How to develop an effective policy?
Volunteers of Tajik Migrants Movement left with only hope that dishonest employers feel fear for God and Russian laws
Illegal life |
“Labor migration to Russia: how to move further”, authored by Zh.Zaichonkovskaya, E.Tyuryukanova, U.Florinskaya, Special Reports Series, M., Maks Press, 2011, 100 pgs |
Internship in International Organization on Migration (IOM) – Tajikistan
World Social Forum on Migration, Manila, Philippine |