
2023 51勛圖 - 51勛圖- Mairambek Nurgaziev

Mairambek Nurgaziev


泭Phone: +996泭 (312) 泭91 50 00 (429)泭+996 (0)泭70851 79 90泭泭泭 泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭

泭e-mail: nurgaziev_m@auca.kg泭

Skype: mairambekn


Date of birth: 07/11/1976 泭



Associate Professor, PhD

2023 51勛圖, 7/6, Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek,泭 Kyrgyzstan 720060

Department / Environmental Sustainability and Climate Science

01/07/ 2014 31/08/2017

01/01/2011 30/06/2014

Head of the center of Universities of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin, 68, Mederov str., Bishkek, 720005, Kyrgyzstan

者 Responsible for the administration, formulation, implementation and assessment of the international projects activities, and also, liaising with international partners. Coordination of master and PhD students the same time, lecturing on the subjects of agro-ecology, agricultural policy and international development. In addition, handle correspondence and keep the filing system related to the project matters, and also, arrangement of project events including meetings and other activities related to project implementation.

Research worker and Adviser

Hessian specialized enterprise, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

者 Professional consultation and development of research concepts-projects, the conclusion of contracts between enterprises. Ensure fulfilment of standard procedures, including the ones on procurement, contracting of services and formalizing partnerships.泭泭泭

01/01/2000 30/06/2003

Agricultural Credit Adviser

Kyrgyz Agricultural Finance Corporation, 50 Pushkin str., Bishkek, 720011, Kyrgyzstan

者 Representative of Kant and Tokmok regions (Consultant for agriculture, rural finance and drafting business projects) As well as, responsible for timely preparing and compilation of the annual/quarterly work plans, budget forecasting. Monitoring regularly and ensure timely and adequate implementation of the credit action plans and projects, undertake necessary preparatory actions for the planned activities, and liaise with relevant parties. Moreover, analyzed and selected materials for strengthening strategic alliances with partners and stakeholders.


01/08/2003 12/10/2010

PhD (DAAD Scholarship holder)

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany

者 Fields of Study: International Development, Rural Development & Environmental Economics泭

01/07/1998 26/07/1999


Kyrgyz Agrarian Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

者 Economy and Management of泭 Agrarian Production 泭

01/06/1994 29/06/1998


Kyrgyz Agrarian Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

者 Finance and Banking System


Mother tongue(s)

Other language(s)

Computer skills


Russian, English and German fluent in spoken and written

Proficient with Microsoft Office programmers and Internet Explorer


24/03/2019 - 06/04/2019

International DAAD Alumni Expert Seminar Applied Engineering for Smart Integration of Renewable Energy in Value Chains in Developing Countries in Witzenhausen, Germany followed by a visit to the "Hannover exhibition 2019".

12/03/2017 - 22/03/2017

International DAAD Alumni Expert Seminar Hidden Hunger in Giessen, in combination with the participation at the 3rd International Congress Hidden Hunger, in Stuttgart, Germany.

01/07/2014 - 30/07/2017

Project Coordinator "Curriculum on fisheries and aquaculture in the Kyrgyz Republic" University of Eastern Finland in cooperation with the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin.

04/07/2017 - 24/07/2017

Seminar on the topic "International Education" Shenyang city, China.

14/07/2016泭 - 10/08/2016

Training - Sustainable Agriculture by Utilizing Unused Organic Substance Resources for Kyrgyz Republic, Sapporo city, Japan.

21/11/2016泭 - 22/11/2016

Training - Development of Recipes and Production of Aqua-fodder in the Kyrgyz Republic, FAO, Bishkek.

14/04/2015泭 - 15/04/2015

Seminar "Horizon 2020" EU Programme" National library, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

21/05/2015 - 10/06/2015

Seminar on Agricultural Industry Development for Asian Countries, Beijing city, China.


泭泭泭 1.泭 泭 泭 Nurgaziev M., and Jordan I. Agricultural Assistance to Vulnerable, Food-Insecure Female-Headed Households in Kyrgyzstan. Editor(s): Biesalski H.K., Birner R. Hidden Hunger: Strategies to Improve Nutrition Quality. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol. 118, pp. 186193.

泭泭泭 2.泭 泭 泭 Avento R., Bruun A., and Nurgaziev M. Fishing for Curricular Reform. Published by European Association for International Education. The Sustainable Development Goals. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2017.

泭泭泭 3.泭 泭 泭 Nurgaziev M. The Importance of Organic Agriculture to Sustainable Rural Development in Kyrgyzstan // Collection of scientific works, issue 10 (30) part 7, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine, 2017.

泭泭泭 4.泭 泭 泭 Nurgaziev M. The Importance of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Rural Development in the Kyrgyz Republic // Collection of scientific works, issue 6 (26) part 5, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine, 2017.

泭泭泭 5.泭 泭 泭 Book Abdymalikov K., Zhumabayev Zh, Nurgaziev M., Nuralieva N. Agricultural Economy of Kyrgyzstan. Scientific publication / Editor: Ministry of Education and Science of the KR "Polygraphbumresources", 2017.

泭泭泭 6.泭 泭 泭 Zhusupbaeva G., Nurgaziev M. Mathematical model of the problem determining the optimal period of raw material extraction. Editor: FGBOU IN "VGLTU" Voronezh, Russia. Current Trends in Scientific Studies of the XXI Century: Theory and Practice. Collection of scientific works on the materials of the international correspondence scientific and practical conference, 2017.

泭泭 泭7.泭 泭 泭 Nurgaziev M. The Problems of Rural Education and its Impact on the Development of Agriculture in Kyrgyzstan. Bulletin. Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K. I. Skryabin, Bishkek, 2017.

泭泭泭 8.泭 泭 泭 Nurgaziev M. Foreign Direct Investment for the Development of Agro-Industry in Kyrgyzstan. International scientific and practical conference 竄Modern achievements of science and ways of innovative ascent of the economy of the region, the country罈 Comrat state University, Moldavia, 2017.

泭 泭 泭9.泭 泭 泭 Avazbekova M., Aitbaev A., Kulenbekov Zh., Asanov B., Nurgaziev M. Environmental and socio-economic assessment of vulnerable villages in Kyrgyzstan. Comparative analysis of Kuntuu, Boroldoi, Oirondu and Daroot Korgon settlements. Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference 竄Social and Economic Aspects of Education in Modern Society罈 Vol.2, January 20, 2019, Warsaw, Poland.

泭 泭 10.泭 泭Nurgaziev M., Asanov B., Orozbaev R. The state of public parks and gardens in Bishkek: their usage for educational activities and role for sustainable development of the city. Published by the International Conference on Silk-road Disaster. Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development. Beijing 2019.

2023 51勛圖
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + xt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028

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