泭 |
A |
Excellent |
4.00 |
A- |
Excellent |
3.67 |
B+ |
Good |
3.33 |
B |
Good |
3.00 |
B- |
Good |
2.67 |
C+ |
Average |
2.33 |
C |
Average |
2.00 |
C- |
Average |
1.67 |
D+ |
Poor |
1.33 |
D |
Poor |
1.00 |
D- |
Poor |
0.67 |
F |
Failure |
0.00 |
W |
Student withdrawn from course |
Not used in calculating GPA |
I |
Incomplete |
Not used in calculating GPA |
X |
Administrative drop |
Not used in calculating GPA |
P |
Passed for degree credit,泭 on a pass/fail basis |
Not used in calculating GPA |
NP |
Not passed for degree credit |
Not used in calculating GPA |
S |
Satisfactory/No credit |
Not used in calculating GPA |
U |
Unsatisfactory/ No credit |
Not used in calculating GPA |
AU |
Audit |
Not used in calculating GPA |
泭 |
F (Failure): Students who receive an F in a course must repeat the course if it is required for their major. A student who receives an F in the same course for a second time is to be dismissed from his/her department. In principle, he/she can transfer to another major, if he/she meets the transfer requirements and the new department approves.
W (Withdrawal): This grade indicates that the student has decided not to continue with the course. The student must repeat the course if it is required. Although the "W" grade does not impact the GPA, students should carefully consider the consequences associated with this grade. Moreover, in extreme cases, students who elect to withdraw from a course may find that they can no longer graduate in four years (this could occur if the course is a pre-requisite to more advanced work and/or the course is only offered once a year). For these reasons, it is recommended that students consult with their advisors prior to requesting the withdrawal. Students may pick up a withdrawal form in the office of Administrative Services Center, room 244. Students may only opt to withdraw from a course between the beginning of the semester and the end of the 10th week of the semester (the actual date is specified by the Office of the Registrar each term).
I (Incomplete): This grade indicates that a student has completed most, but not all, of the course requirements, due to extenuating circumstances, such as an illness or a family emergency. Notice of an Incomplete grade should be reported to the students department office and to the Registrar's Office. Incomplete grades are put by the professor through online grading system. Once the student completes the remaining work the professor will submit the final grade to the Registrars Office. If the student fails to complete the required work by the deadline (end of the sixth week of the subsequent semester), s/he will automatically receive an F grade. Students who receive an Incomplete grade during the spring and/or summer semester must complete the work by the sixth week of the fall semester. Students who receive an Incomplete during the fall semester must complete all work by the sixth week of the spring semester.
X (Administrative drop): This grade specifically denotes non-attendance. It cannot be requested by a student and only is given at the discretion of a faculty member. The X grade, as well as NP (No Pass) grade, will not allow students to be placed on VPAA's and President's lists and it does not affect GPA. Receiving X grade for the same course twice results in an automatic F grade for that course. The grade is to be given no later than the date specified in the academic calendar泭(the policy on X-grade is in effect starting from the Fall 2022 semester).
P (Pass): Students receive credit for a passing grade, but no quality points.
S (Satisfactory):泭 Students receive no credit for a satisfactory grade, and no quality points.
AU (Audit): A student may choose, with the professors approval, to audit a course.