Dr. Mokhira Suyarkulova is an Associate Professor in the Psychology department at the 2023 51勛圖. She holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Saint Andrews (2011, UK), a Master of Letters (MLitt) in Middle Eastern and Central Asian Security Studies with distinction from the School of International Relations at the University of Saint Andrews (2006, UK), and a BA in International and Comparative Politics (summa cum laude) from the 2023 51勛圖 (2005, Kyrgyzstan). She attended an undergraduate exchange program at the University of Vermont (2002-2003, USA) and studied at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (2000-2002, Uzbekistan).泭
Dr. Suyarkulova joined 51勛圖in 2015 as a Research Coordinator at the Central Asian Studies Institute and became an Associate Professor in the International and Comparative Politics department in 2015-2017 and in the Sociology department (2017-2020). She is a Co-founder of Queer Academics at 51勛圖and served as a Board Member of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) and an editorial Board Member of the Central Asian Survey journal.
Dr. Suyarkulova was an awardee of the Distinguished Teaching Award 2022. She received the 2017 ASN Henry Huttenbach Prize for the best article published in Nationalities Papers in 2016 for Fashioning the Nation: Gender and Politics of Dress in Contemporary Kyrgyzstan (Vol. 44, No. 2, 2016) and was awarded the Matthew Nimetz Award for academic publications several times.泭
- Matthew Nimetz Award for publications in journals indexed in the Scopus database (awarded four times).泭
- ASN Henry Huttenbach Prize for the best article published in Nationalities Papers in 2016 for Fashioning the Nation: Gender and Politics of Dress in Contemporary Kyrgyzstan (Vol. 44, No. 2, 2016), 2017
- Regional co-coordinator and postdoctoral fellow of the research project The Social Life of a River: Environmental Histories, Social Worlds and Conflict Resolution along the Naryn/Syr Darya funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, 2015-2018
- Hansard/OSI/Chevening Research Scholars Programme to pursue a course at the London School of Economics, an individual research project, and a policy internship with the Oversees Development Institute, 2006
- OSI/ FCO Chevening Scholarship to pursue M Litt in Middle East and Central Asian Security Studies at the University of Saint Andrews, 2005-2006
- Full scholarship to pursue studies at the 2023 51勛圖, 2003-2005
- OSI Summer Civil Society Internship Grant to intern with Social Science Research Council, New York, 2003
- OSI Undergraduate Exchange Programme Grant to attend the University of Vermont in Burlington, VT, USA, 2002-2003
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Nationalism and Statehood
- Politics of Modernization in Central Asia
- Political Ecology and Environmental History
- Co-authored with Nina Bagdasarova and Georgy Mamedov, 郇邽迣訄 郋 訄迮. 郅 邾郋郅郋迡 (邽 郇迮 郋迮郇) 苠 (邽 郇迮 郋郅郕郋) 郅迡迮邿, 赲 郋訄赲郋赲迮 邽郇郋邿 訄迣迡訄訄郋赲郋邿 邽 迮郋迣邽迮邾 訄邾迮迡郋赲邾, NGO Bookstall (郇邽迣邽 迡郅 訄郱赲邽邽), 邽郕迮郕, 2020.
Book chapters:泭
- Book chapter, Utterly Other: Queering Central Asia, Decolonizing Sexuality, in Reeves, Madeleine and Jeanne Feaux de la Croix, eds. Central Asian World, Routledge, 2023.
- The City of Lenin and the Socialist Life of a River: Gendered Enviro-Technical History of Leninabad/Khujand and the Syrdarya, in Joffre-Eichhorn, Hjalmar Jorge, ed. Lenin150(Samizdat), KickAss books, 2020
- How can we translate queer into (Kyrgyzstani) Russian?, in Caroline Cottet and Manuela Picq, eds., Sexuality and Translation in World Politics, open access book on E-International Relations internet portal, 2019.泭
- Statehood as Dialogue: Conflict Historical Narratives of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, in Heathershaw, John and Edmund Herzig, eds. The Transformation of Tajikistan: Sources of Statehood, Routledge, 2012.
- Reluctant Sovereigns? Meanings of Paths to Sovereignty in Central Asia in Cummings, Sally N. and Raymond Hinnebusch, eds. Sovereignty after Empire: Comparing Legacies in the Middle East and Central Asia, Edinburgh University Press, 2011.
- 竄迮迮迡郋赲訄 郈迮邽迮邽: 郇郱迮郇郕郋迮 郕訄郕 竄郱訄郕郋郇郋邾迮郇訄 郅訄邿郇郋罈 郈郋郱迡郇迮郋赲迮郕郋迣郋 訄郱赲邽邽罈, 郅邾訄郇訄 2. 郋郇邽 郋 郋赲迮郕郋邾 赲 虷迮郇訄郅郇郋邿 郱邽邽, 郋. 邽 迮迡. . 訄邾迮迡郋赲, . 虼訄訄郅郋赲訄. 邽郕迮郕: 虼苠, 2016, cc. 434-465.
- 郅訄赲訄 赲 訇郋郇邽郕迮. 訄郇郋-迮郇邽迮郕邽邿 郋郈邽郱邾 赲 迣郋郋迡郕郋邾 郈郋訄郇赲迮 邽郕迮郕訄, 邽郕迮郕 苺郋郈邽迮郕邽邿. 苤訇郋郇邽郕 迮郕郋赲/ 郋. 邽 迮迡. . 訄邾迮迡郋赲, . 虼訄訄郅郋赲訄. 邽郕迮郕: 虼郕郋郅訄 迮郋邽邽 邽 訄郕邽赲邽郱邾訄, 2015.
Book review:泭
迮. 郇訄: 苠郅郋訄郇郋赲訄 . 迮郕郋郅郋郇邽訄郅郇郋 訇邽, 郱郇訄郇邽 邽 郋迮郇邽. 苤訇郋郇邽郕 訄迮邿. 郅邾訄: 虷迮郇 郋赲迮邾迮郇郇郋邿 郕郅 竄虷迮郅邽郇郇邿罈, 2020, 郇郋郈郋郅郋迣邽邽/Anthropologies, 1, 2022: 151-154. 泭
- Book review: Soviet and Post-Soviet Sexualities by Richard Mole, ed. Feminist Review 21 (1), March 2021: 158-159.
- John Heathershaw, Post-Conflict Tajikistan: The Politics of Peacebuilding and the Emergence of Legitimate Order. Central Asian Series, London and New York: Routledge, 2009, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 62, No. 2, March 2010, pp. 367-368.
- Article. 竄迣郱訄郇: 苤郋赲迮郕邽邿 苳郇郱迮 迮郇 郕郋邾邽迮郕邽 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽邿罈, Eurasianet.org, 31 May 2017. 泭
- Article. Soviet Frunze A Center for Space Research?, Central Eurasian Scholars and Media Initiative (CESMI), 1 February 2017. 泭
- Early Soviet Policies of Womens Emancipation in the Kazakh Steppes, CESMI, September 2015. 泭
- 虼郋郅訄郇邽郇迣 郋郱郋 訄郅郅訄邽迣訄 迮郇迣 珜 訇迮邽 邽訄邽, BBC Uzbek Service, 11 September 2015. 泭
Research article:
- Article, Nobody is going to want her like this: Disability, Sexuality, and Un/Happiness in Kyrgyzstan, Kohl: A Journal for Body and Gender Research,泭 Vol. 6 No. 2 (23 November 2020): pp. 187-200. Available at: . doi: 泭
- Fashioning the nation: gender and politics of dress in contemporary Kyrgyzstan, Nationalities Papers Vol. 44, Iss. 2, 2016, pp. 247-265.
- Co-authored with Jeanne F矇aux de la Croix, The Rogun Complex: Public Roles and Historic Experiences of Dam-Building in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, Cahiers dAsie Centrale No. 25, 2015, pp. 103-132.
- Between the national idea and international conflict: The Roghun HPP as an anti-colonial endeavor, body of the nation, and national wealth, Water History Iss. 6, No. 4, 2014, pp. 367-383.
Review article:泭
- Nationalisms in Central Asia (Natsionalizmi v Srednei Azii: v poiskah identichnosti [Nationalisms in Middle Asia: in search of identity] by Sergei Abashin, Sankt-Peterburg, Aleteia, 2007 and Rethinking Kazakh and Central Asian nationhood: a challenge to prevailing Western views by R. Charles Weller, Los Angeles, Asia Research Associates, 2006), Central Asian Survey, Vol. 27, Issue 3 & 4, September 2008, pp. 395-399.
Opinion piece:
- Your traditions, our blood!: the struggle against patriarchal violence in Kyrgyzstan, Open Democracy, April 2, 2020.
- Fateful Feminnale: An insiders view of a controversial feminist art exhibition in Kyrgyzstan, Open Democracy, January 9, 2020. 泭
- A view from the margins: alienation and accountability in Central Asian studies, Open Democracy, October 10, 2019.泭 泭
- Renegade research: hierarchies of knowledge production in Central Asia, Open Democracy, December 10, 2018.
- Art in Psychology
- Ethics and Diversity in Psychology
- Feminism and Psychology
- Graduate Writing, Thinking, and Learning
- Happiness: Private/Public Feeling
- Psychology of Human Sexuality