No. Your bachelors degree or 5-year education (specialist) can be in any area of specialization. Our program has a system of supports to help you catch up even if your previous degree is not in psychology or social sciences.
No. Your dissertation proposal will be developed through the course of the program under the supervision and in the Research Teams. However, it is always nice to have an idea of what you would like to study.
Yes. The system of Research Teams and other courses will give you the chance to meet professors and start working on your dissertation with them.
The program does not directly support you to get employed. However, through the process of Internship in different organizations, the program will support you to get a network and show your skills at different organizations, which often leads to employment.
No. You can choose several internship sites and any dissertation topic unrelated to the internship. Although it is sometimes interesting to tie your practical and research interests.