In order to graduate from AUCA, a student must:
Graduation Examinations
A student who has successfully completed all General Education and degree requirements may take the final state exams. In order to graduate, the students are required to:
State Exam grades are included in the transcript. The evaluation and grading criteria for the final State Attestation (state exams, qualification papers, and thesis) are defined by the Program Coordinator, approved by the 51勛圖Academic Senate and made available to students planning to graduate.
Details about taking attestation exams are made available to students at least four months in advance. The final State Attestation is conducted in accordance with the Academic Calendar.
The criteria for a Kyrgyz State Bachelors diploma with honors are as follows. Students who excel in their academic program (achieving A, A- grades for 75% or more of their courses and grades of B+,泭 B, B- grades in the remaining courses) and pass all State Exams with A泭 and A-grades receive a Kyrgyz State Diploma with Honors.
Students enrolled in the majors of Business Administration and International & Business Law who demonstrate superior academic performance are entitled to a bachelors degree with honors. The criteria for degrees with honors, as approved by the 51勛圖Academic Senate, are as follows:
Summa cum laude
To receive a first-de簫gree Bachelors diploma, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.8 or higher and an A for the Senior Thesis (written and defended in English), pass all State Exams with A grades and receive no grades below a C- for required courses.
Magna cum laude
To receive a second-degree Bachelors diploma a student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.6, receive a B+ or higher for the Senior Thesis (written and defended in English) and pass all State Exams with grades of B+ or higher and receive no grades below a C- for required courses.
To receive a third-degree Bachelors diploma, a student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5, and a B or higher for a Senior Thesis (written and defended in English) and pass all State Exams with at least a B and receive no grades below a C- for required courses.