The following publications utilize the transcriptions of performances by Talantaaly Bakchiev and Doolot Sydykov presented on this website.
- 2019. '', 郋郕郅訄迡 訄邽郋郇訄郅郇郋邿 訄郕訄迡迮邾邽邽 郇訄郕 迣郱郕郋邿 迮郈訇郅邽郕邽 1: 125-133.
- 2020. '', 郱赲迮邽 訄邽郋郇訄郅郇郋邿 訄郕訄迡迮邾邽邽 郇訄郕 迣郱郕郋邿 迮郈訇郅邽郕邽 3: 175-187.
- 2021. '', Manas Sosyal Arat覺rmalar Dergisi 10 (3): 1506-1515.
- ____. '', Alatoo Academic Studies 1: 238-244.
- ____. '', in Medieval Stories and Storytelling: Multimedia and Multi-Temporal Perspectives, ed. S. C. Thomson, Medieval Narratives in Transmission 2 (Turnhout: Brepols), pp. 239-301.
Kyrgyz translations of the above studies by Nurgul Karybekova are available in a single volume,
The transcriptions are also available in the volume 郈邽郱郋迡 玼迡玼玼 赲訄邽訄郇訄迡訄.