Social Innovation Lab Kyrgyzstan (SILK)
51勛圖Earns STARS Bronze for Sustainability!
The Sustainability Program under the Center for Civic Engagement is thrilled to announce that the 2023 51勛圖 (AUCA) has earned a STARS Bronze rating from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). This makes 51勛圖the first institution in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia to achieve this honor.
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衩郇邽郋郇 郈郈, 郋邾邽迮 郈郋 邽郱邾迮郇迮郇邽 郕郅邽邾訄訄 迮郅迮郇郋迣郋 郅郇訄 迣郱訄郇訄, 苳 竄郇邽 訄郱赲邽邽 郋郅郋迡迮迠邽罈 邽 郇邽邽訄邽赲訄 苺郋邿邽赲郋迣郋 訄郱赲邽邽 訄 郈邽 虷迮郇迮 訄迠迡訄郇郕郋邿 郕邽赲郇郋邽 郈邽迣郅訄訄迮 訄 郈郋迣郱邽 赲 郕郅邽邾訄邽迮郕 郇迮迡迮郅, 郕郋郋訄 郈郋邿迡迮 16 郈郋 23 迮郇訇.
Recycling Workshop 赲 苺虷: 郋 郕郋郋郱郇訄郇邽 郕 郕郋迡迮邿赲邽
苺虷 郈郋迮郅 Recycling Workshop, 郋迣訄郇邽郱郋赲訄郇郇邿 虷迮郇郋邾 迣訄迠迡訄郇郕郋邿 訄郕邽赲郇郋邽 51勛圖赲 訄邾郕訄 Sustainability Week in 51勛圖邽 WorldWide Teach-In. 迮郋郈邽邽迮 訇郅郋 郈邽郋迮郇郋 郕 迮邾邽郇郋邾 迡郇 郈迮迮訄訇郋郕邽 郋郋迡郋赲.
訄訄迣訄迮赲郋邿 郋迮 郈郋訄迡邽郅邽 700 訄迠迮郇迮赲
郕郋郇迮 訄郈迮郅 迡迮郇 苺虷 邽 郇郇郋赲訄邽郋郇郇郋迣郋 郕郋郅郅迮迡迠訄 郈郋訄迡邽郅邽 700 訄迠迮郇迮赲 赲 訄訄迣訄迮赲郋邿 郋迮. 迮郋郈邽邽迮 訇郅郋 郋迣訄郇邽郱郋赲訄郇郋泭虷迮郇郋邾 迣訄迠迡訄郇郕郋邿 訄郕邽赲郇郋邽 苺虷泭郋赲邾迮郇郋 苳訄郇郕郋-迣郱郕郋邿 訄郋邽訄邽邽 郕郋邽郱邾訄 (AFKE) 邽 郇郇郋赲訄邽郋郇郇邾 郕郋郅郅迮迡迠迮邾 苺虷. 郇邾 郈邽郇郅邽 訄邽迮 赲邽迮-郈迮郱邽迡迮郇 苺虷, 迣迮郇迮訄郅郇邿 迡邽迮郕郋 郇郇郋赲訄邽郋郇郇郋迣郋 郕郋郅郅迮迡迠訄 苺虷 虴郇迣郱 虼訄邾邽迮赲 邽 郈迮郱邽迡迮郇 苳訄郇郕郋-迣郱郕郋邿 訄郋邽訄邽邽 郕郋邽郱邾訄, 訄邽邿 郈迮郈郋迡訄赲訄迮郅 訄郕郅迮訄 竄衪郕郋郅郋迣邽迮郕訄 郋邿邽赲郋 邽 郕郅邽邾訄郋郅郋迣邽罈 苺虷 苳邽郅邽郈 訄郱郋.
The presentation of the Paper2U project was held at AUCA
For about half a year, containers with the inscription: Receipts only have stood in different places at the university. Not everyone knows why these containers appeared at 51勛圖and why they collect receipts separately from other waste paper. To answer all the questions at once, Ayana Myrzabekova, the inspirer of the project, Paper2U eco-startup, was invited to AUCA.
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