
2023 51勛圖 - 51勛圖- Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff

Maria Glukhova, Ph.D.candidate

Ph.D. candidate, Assistant Professor

Division of Social Sciences


Email: [javascript protected email address]

Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 447


Maria Glukhova is an Assistant Professor in the Sociology department at the 2023 51勛圖. She is a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology from European University (2023, Russia). She holds a Master of Arts in Sociology (2020) and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (2018) from Saint Petersburg State University (Russia).

Maria joined 51勛圖in 2023. She attended the Baikal School of Social Sciences, a summer school for social researchers (2022, Russia), and the Academic Skills in Social Sciences Summer School (2022, Russia). She participated in an exchange program at the University of Helsinki (2019, Finland), attended a winter school at the Europ瓣ische Akademie Otzenhausen (2019, Germany), and attended a winter school at the University of Bielefeld (2019, Germany).泭

  • Critical Studies of Men and Masculinities
  • Sociology of Emotions
  • Sociology of Health and Illness
  • Sociology of Psychiatry and Mental Health
  • Glukhova M. (2024). Two Generations of Depression: Discourses on Emotions in Autobiographical Texts of Russian Men. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 22(1), 43-58.
  • 郅郋赲訄 .. 苳訄郕郋 赲郋赲郅迮迮郇邽 郇訄迮郅迮郇邽 赲 邽郈郋郅郱郋赲訄郇邽迮 迡邽訄郇邽郋郇郇 赲訄迮訇郇 郕郋郇郅訄邽邿 // 迮迮訇迣郕訄 郋邽郋郅郋迣邽 迮迣郋迡郇. 2023. 19 ( 郈迮訄邽)
  • 郅郋赲訄 訄邽 赲迣迮郇迮赲郇訄 竄邽訇郋 邽迣郇, 郅邽訇郋 郕訄郈迮罈: 郕郋-郕郅郇邿 訄郇訄郅邽郱 郋郈訄 迡迮郈迮邽邽 迡迮郇郋赲 邽郱 苤訄郇郕-迮迮訇迣訄 邽 苭迮郅邽郇郕邽 // 苤郋邽郋郅郋迣邽 赲郅訄邽. 2022. 3-4.
  • 郋迣郋邾迣郕郋赲訄 . 苤., 迮 . ., 郅郋赲訄 . . 虷邽郋赲迮 迮郇郋郅郋迣邽邽 赲 郈訄郕邽郕訄 郱訄訇郋 郋 郱迡郋郋赲迮 迠邽迮郅迮邿 苤訄郇郕-迮迮訇迣訄 // 苤郋邽郋郅郋迣邽迮郕邽迮 邽郅迮迡郋赲訄郇邽. 2022. 10. 苤. 145-155.
  • 郅郋赲訄 . . 郋郇邽郋赲訄郇邽迮 迡迮郈迮邽邽 赲 郱訄訇迮迠郇郋邾 郋邽郋郅郋迣邽迮郕郋邾 迡邽郕迮: 郋 "郈邽邽訄邽迮郕郋迣郋 郋訇迮郕訄" 郕 迣郋郅郋 訇迮郕訄 // 苤苤. 2022. 2.
  • 郅郋赲訄 .. 郋郅 邽郋赲 迮郇郋郅郋迣邽邿 赲 郈迮郋迡郋郅迮郇邽邽 迡迮郈迮邽邽: 郕迮邿 迡迮郇郋赲 苤訄郇郕- 迮迮訇迣訄 // 苤苤. 2021. 2.
  • Glukhova M. Strategies for Coping with Depression among Modern Young People (The Case of Students in Helsinki and Saint Petersburg). Working Papers, 2020. 苠. 3.
  • Contemporary Social Theory
  • General Sociology for Non-Sociologists
  • Globalization and Social Sciences
  • Sociology of Culture
  • Sociology of Health and Illness

2023 51勛圖
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + xt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028

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