The Sociology Minor provides students with a comprehensive understanding of social behavior, institutions, and the complexities of societal structures. This program is designed to complement a variety of majors and enhance your critical thinking and analytical skills.
Only students with GPAs of at least 2.5 in their majors may apply for a minor in Sociology. The student should obtain permission from the Coordinator of the major program and the Coordinator of the program that administers the relevant minor program before declaring a minor.
A student may apply for a minor only after the first year of study is completed. Students should complete the Declaration of a Minor form, obtain the appropriate signatures and submit it to the Registrars Office.
Benefits of a Sociology Minor:
泭A minimum of 42 credits are required to complete the minor. All courses should have passing grades to be accepted. No written and oral exams as well as writing senior theses are required to receive the minor.
Required courses for the minor in Sociology 18 credits:
General Sociology (for non-sociologists) or Introduction in Sociology I (6)
Classical Social Theory (6)
Qualitative Research Methods (6) or Quantitative Research Methods (6)
Elective courses - 24 credits[1]:
Introduction in Sociology II
Sociology of Gender
Advanced Sociological Theories
Sociology of Culture
Market Society
Sociology of Religion
Identity and Differences
State and Society
Urban Sociology
Contemporary Social Theory
Sociology of health and illness 泭泭泭
[1] The list can be changed