
2023 51勛圖 - 51勛圖- News & Events

News & Events



Shadiya Kurbanova: "I am grateful to AUCA, OSUN and the Talent Management Program for the opportunity and support to immerse myself in a new culture."

泭 Shadiya Kurbanova is a student of a Talent Management program who has successfully completed her 1 year of international exchange full granted program at one of the highest rated universities in Latin America, Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia, Bogot獺).


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Bermet Kuramaeva and Kamilya Kadyrova, Master students from "TALENT" speaks about their impressions from trip to Dubai

Students of the Master's program "TALENT Management and Human Potential Development in Organizations" or "TALENT" Bermet Kuramaeva and Kamila Kadyrova, speak about their impressions from the trip to Dubai where they enhanced their knowledge in the HR sphere and found like-minded people there.


The last day of the General TALENT Project Meeting.

September 29 is the last day of the General TALENT Project Meeting. During these three intensive days, a consortium of participants on a hybrid basis discussed essential issues related to upcoming cases of the TALENT project for the next working year and considered the main Human Resource Management (HRM) problems in the Kyrgyz Republic.


2023 51勛圖
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + xt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028

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