Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Abhi Goyal Visiting Research Fellow September 2017 - July 2018 Abhi Goyal is a Fulbright Student Researcher from the United States, focused on the topic of informal communities and people who migrate in urban areas of the Kyrgyz Republic. Informal communities are generally not included in demographic data about the Kyrgyz Republic, preventing organizations and the government from creating policies adapted to their situations. Abhis research focuses on the reason for these communities creation, their place in migration patterns, and their composition. Before this research, Abhi worked at the USAID-funded Strengthening Results, Partnerships, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) Project, writing a social media strategy to reach urban households in the Kyrgyz Republic with nutrition information, as part of a broader urban nutrition strategy. He has also worked at the SEEP Network, a non-governmental organization focused on addressing poverty, as well as Atlantic Media Company. He holds a Bachelors Degree in International Relations from the College of William & Mary in Virginia. E-mail: agoyal@email.wm.edu 泭 Francesca Celi 泭 Visiting Research Fellow, September 2016 泭 Francesca Celi is a masters degree student currently specializing in International Relations, with a focus on Central and Eastern Asia. She is a student in International Sciences in University of Turin, Italy. Her studies include politics, sociology and economics of Asia. Francesca Celi 泭holds a bachelors degree in Languages, Culture and Societies of Asia and Mediterranean Africa from Ca Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Her studies at this university focused on Chinese language and culture, as well as Asian politics, economics, law and institutions. Francesca Celi 泭was Visiting Research Fellow in Tian Shan Policy Center, 2023 51勛圖 (Bishkek) on September 2016. Her studies in Kyrgyzstan examined the current situation of Uyghur minority in Central Asia and specifically in Kyrgyzstan, as well as the reasons and the history of their migration from China to Central Asia. E-mail:泭 francescaceli6@gmail.com 泭 泭 Chiara Pierobon 泭 Visiting Research Fellow, October - November 2016 泭 Chiara Pierobon completed a PhD in Sociology at Bielefeld University (Germany) and Trento University (Italy) with a thesis on civil society and national identity in contemporary Russia which was published by Springer. Since 2012, she has worked as Post-Doctoral Researcher at Bielefeld University and project manager and research associate of the Bielefeld / St. Petersburg Center for German and European Studies (CGES/ZDES). Between 2013 and 2016, she was manager and research associate of the project "Exploring Patterns of Regional and Interregional Cooperation: Central Asia, its Neighboring Countries and Europe" financed by Volkswagen Foundation. She is former Visiting Scholar at University of California/Berkeley, University of California/San Diego, St. Petersburg State University and the German Kazakh-University. In addition, in 2014, she was research intern at the EU Delegation in Astana, Kazakhstan. At Tian Shan Policy Center, Dr. Pierobon carries out research for her post-doctoral project on EU and empowerment of civil society in Kyrgyzstan. The study investigates the main outcomes of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and the thematic program Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development (NSA/LA) for Kyrgyz civil society. E-mail:泭 chiara.pierobon@uni-bielefeld.de 泭 Lillian Langford Visiting Research Fellow, March 2014 - January 2015 Lillian graduated from Harvard Law School and Harvard Kennedy School in 2013 with a Juris Doctor and a Masters in Public Policy. Her research as a Fulbright fellow examines the effects of domestic violence against women and bride kidnapping on the realization of womens property rights.泭 Although Kyrgyzstan has adopted fairly progressive legislation on womens right to own, inherit, and receive a share of marital property in divorce and inheritance proceedings, the experiences of legal aid NGOs in the country indicate that full implementation of these laws has not occurred. Lillians research explores the role of domestic violence and bride kidnapping in obstructing the effective implementation of this legislation. 泭 泭 泭During her studies Lillian focused on international human rights and global affairs, working in the Prosecutors Office of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Cambodia and in refugee rights organization Pro Asyl in Germany before spending her final summer of grad school researching barriers to justice in rural Kyrgyzstan with the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia.泭 Prior to law school, Lillian spent two years working as a Program Coordinator for the Foundation for Sustainable Development in Kakamega, Kenya, and Jodhpur, India.泭 Her research interests include mechanisms by which national legislation is harmonized with international human rights standards the topic of her masters thesis, The Other Euro Crisis: Rights Violations Under the Common European Asylum System and the Unraveling of EU Solidarity, which was published in spring 2013 in the Harvard Human Rights Journal. E-mail: lillian.langford@fulbrightmail.org 泭 泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭 泭
Visiting Research Fellow, June-August泭2013 Marat Murzabekov graduated from the Department of Geography at the Stockholm University (Sweden) in June 2010 with a degree of Master of Sciences in human geography, economic history, ecology and geography. He received his BA degree in international relations, political science and history back in 2007 at the Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University (Kyrgyzstan). Currently he holds a position of a PhD candidate at the Department of Social and Economic Geography of the Uppsala University (Sweden). Marat is focusing on the issues of pasture degradation and pasture governance in Kyrgyzstan. He believes that there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of what degradation is, when, where and why it happens. His plan is to investigate the role of pasture users/managers in pasture degradation processes. By doing that he wants to understand how individualization of pasture tenure and decentralization of pasture management might correlate with the biophysical changes in pastures. To achieve the research objectives stated above, Marat realizes the importance of collaborating with the researchers experienced in working on Central Asia. Such collaboration will substantially improve research quality, give inspiration for new questions and provide excellent career opportunities. This is the reason why Marat Murzakulov has opted to get his research fellowship with AUCAs Tian Shan Policy Center. E-mail: m.murzab@gmail.com 泭 泭 泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭
Visiting Research Fellow, May-June泭2013 Chiara is a June 2013 graduate of the Master's of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. The central focus of her research is on political transparency in the Kyrgyz Republic. After completing a research on budget transparency at the University of Toronto, Chiara traveled to Bishkek and泭 51勛圖(TSPC) to study challenges and opportunities of political transparency mechanisms with a view to inform policy and donors' activity. During her 2012 internship at the International NGO Training and Research Center in Bishkek, Chiara completed a report on civil society participation in the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative in Kyrgyzstan, investigating the relationship between natural resources and transparency. At the University of Toronto, she worked as a Research Assistant for Professor Edward Schatz. She researched primary and secondary sources to understand how human rights activists in Kyrgyzstan perceived and perceive the United States. Following the completion of her grant, Chiara will seek to continue her research independently, through academic or professional venues. 泭 泭
Visiting Research Fellow, October 2012 - August 2013泭 泭Meghan is a J.D. student at Yale Law School. She is conducting field research on nomadic property law, with a focus on dispute-resolution methods used by both clan-based courts and central government courts. Her general research interests include rule of law, conflict of laws, and the evolution of conceptions of property from communal to private ownership (and back). Email: mccormack.meghan@gmail.com泭 泭
Visiting Research Fellow,泭September 2012泭- June 2013 泭 Alyssa Meyer is a 2012-2013 Fulbright Scholar whose research will focus upon energy and water security in Kyrgyzstan.泭 Her broader research interests include human dignity and human capacity, sustainability, and development, particularly in post-Soviet Central Asia. Email: meyeraly@gmail.com泭泭 泭泭泭
Intern, May - September, 2012 Julia is a masters student in sociology and gender studies at the University of G繹ttingen, Germany. Her studies focus on migration, sociology of politics, sociology of human rights, as well as gender and development. Julia holds a bachelors degree in sociology from the University of Bremen, Germany and the University of Stockholm, Sweden. Her studies at these universities focused on migration and integration, population and development, sociology of poverty and sociology of education. She has been a student research assistant since 2010 at the University of Bremen in the field of migration and integration specializing on inter-ethnic networks, well-being at school and the role of social capital in the German context. Julia is interested in migration and human rights issues in Central Asia and specifically in Kyrgyzstan; she will assist within the Tian Shan Policy Center while doing research for her masters thesis. E-mail: julial_perry@yahoo.com泭 泭
Visiting Research Fellow, May 16 - July 15, 2012 Craig is a PhD candidate in the School of Geography at the University of Z羹rich, Switzerland.泭 His research focuses on the legal aspects of internal migration in Kyrgyzstan and specifically the strategies that migrants employ to register their permanent place of residence in Bishkek.泭 The PhD aims to address the gap between what is drafted in official sources of law in comparison between how law is experienced in its everyday context. After initially studying geography at undergraduate level at the University of Bristol, UK, Craig went on to study and train as a lawyer in London, specializing in public sector and government law.泭 During this time, Craig also worked pro bono on various cases for the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC) based at London Metropolitan University.泭 He completed his MSc in September 2010 at University College London with a thesis that looked at forced evictions that were occurring as a result of the forthcoming London 2012 Olympic Games.泭 E-mail: craig.hatcher@geo.uzh.ch泭 泭
Yulia Poskakukhina is a PhD candidate at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), University of Amsterdam. Her research focuses on business and investment climate dynamics in Kyrgyzstan. 泭
Visiting Research Fellow, October, 2011 - August, 2012 Maureen is a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at the Scool of Oriental and African Studies in London. Her dissertation project focuses on processes of inter-illumination in the arts in Kyrgyzstan. Her work focuses on individuals whose creative practices spans more than one medium and genre, and includes both folk and fine art. E-mail: mecpritchard@gmail.com 泭
Visiting Research Fellow, October - December, 2011 Beatrice Mosello is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, in Geneva (Switzerland). Her work focuses on the adaptive capacity of institutions in the water sector towards prospected climatic changes, with a specific focus on mountain regions in Kyrgyzstan. While at the SRC, she is researching on the role of civil society in water resources management, and on barriers to adaptation within local communities. Beatrice holds a Masters degree in International Studies with a specialization in Political Science from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, and a Bachelor degree in Development Studies from the University of Pavia, Italy. Beatrice has worked extensively on environmental issues, including by participating as a Researcher in the European Union-funded ACQWA project as well as by leading numerous youth initiatives on the human dimension of climate change, sustainable development and issues related to intergenerational equity. E-mail: beatrice.mosello@graduateinstitute.ch 泭
Visiting Research Fellow, August, 2011 - February, 2012 Sarah Hummel is a PhD student in Politics at Princeton University (USA). Her broad areas of interest are comparative politics and political economy. While in Kyrgyzstan, she will be researching the effects of domestic political dynamics on the formation and implementation of international water and energy policy among the states of Central Asia. Other research interests include the reasons for electoral system change and the role of bias in mass information systems across different regime types. She currently holds a bachelors degree in Political Science from Yale University and a masters degree in Politics from Princeton University. Her teaching experience is in the application of game theoretic models to political science. E-mail: shummel@princeton.edu 泭泭 |