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Email: tspc@auca.kg
Адрес: Кыргызстан, 720060, Бишкек, ул. Аалы Токомбаева, 7/6
Date: 1-15 June 2019
National Energy Holding to explore options for a 100 MW solar plant in Chui Valley
In Russian:
CASA-1000: what is it, who is financing it and who won the construction tenders for Kyrgyzstan?
Read more:
Preparing for the winter: Bishkek CHP to get 400 thousand tons of Kazakh coal
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Kyrgyzstan to introduce a product quality passport for oil
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Less water in Kyrgyzstan. Are energy companies prepared for a shortage?
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Illicit trade in fuels and lubricants - a national disaster
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Newsletter of the National Energy Holding Company for May 2019
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Kyrgyz citizens urged to save electricity
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A bill to ban uranium mining presented in Parliament
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Kyrgyzstan will not export electricity this year
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Energy Minister discusses collaboration with Mitsubishi
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Renewable energy in Uzbekistan to become profitable
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Regional Electric Networks JSC: Electricity distribution companies to cover the costs for installing modern electricity meters
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Deputy Speaker of the legislative: You can get energy from the sun equal to 51 billion tons of oil equivalent per year
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Dmitry Medvedev: General agreement on the construction of the nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan to be ready before the end of the year
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Planned hike of gas and electricity tariffs delayed
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Electricity generation that advances development: Uzbekistan and China launch one of the most technologically advanced hydropower plants in the region
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SOCAR and BP present details about planned Aral Sea exploration in Uzbekistan
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Dashtijum HPP on Pyanj to produce 15.6 billion kWh per year and export to Central and South Asia
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Tajikistan joins integrated energy system of Central Asia to increase electricity exports to Uzbekistan
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The European Union allocates 20 million EUR for the construction of Sebzor HPP
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Tajikistan launches second unit of Rogun HPP
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Tajik Government preparing for second phase of Nurek HPP modernization
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Hassan and Co to build another refinery in Tajikistan
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JICA promotes solar energy generation in Dushanbe hospitals
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ADB forecast for Tajikistan: Increased power generation to boost exports
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Tajikistan exports over 11 million kWh a day
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Kazakhstan is ready to supply oil to Belarus
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New rail transport fee schedule could result in coal price increase in East Kazakhstan Region
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Kazakhstan to reduce export duty for petroleum products
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Commissioning of new hydropower plant in the East Kazakhstan Region postponed to autumn
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New oil field under development in West Kazakhstan Region
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Share of aged generation assets reduced by 30%
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LUKOIL seeks to obtain offshore drilling rights in the Caspian Sea
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Oil production at Kashagan reaches record 400 thousand barrels a day
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Environmentalists to investigate the Mangystau oil spill damage
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Kazakhstan may start supplying fuel to Kyrgyzstan in July
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Kalamkas and Khazar fields to produce up to 100 thousand barrels of oil per day
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Procurement of energy inefficient equipment to become harder for Kazakh businesses
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Companies to receive financial support for implementing energy efficiency projects
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Ministry of Industry report highlights low quality of energy audits
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SolarPower Europe and Association of Renewable Energy of Kazakhstan sign cooperation agreement
In English:
Thermal power plant admits responsibility for the mass death of fish in Ural and Peretsk rivers
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Kazakhstan tops the rank of countries with the cheapest natural gas for households
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Kazakhstan to commission another 10 renewable energy projects by year’s end
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Turkmen gas for the Russian South
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Production plant for gasoline from natural gas to be commissioned in Turkmenistan on June 28
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Gazprom and Turkmengaz sign new contract
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Other regional news
World Bank to allocate $ 65 million to complete Pakistan part of CASA-1000 project
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Solar electricity prices in Kazakhstan down 34% in 2018 as a result of auctions
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Kazakhs pay for gas less than its production cost. Gasification rose from 30 to 50% in the last 5 years
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How much will it cost to produce 1 kWh of electricity in 2019? (Kyrgyzstan)
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Kazakhstan and green economy: a paradigm shift or an attempt to give out desirable for valid?
In English:
On atomic еnergy in Central Asia: interviews on recent events
In Russian:
Validation of unified methodology for assessing potential of wind and solar energy in the CIS countries
55th meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council - 4-5 July 2019