
Американский Университет в Центральной Азии - АУЦА - KICB electronic payment terminal

KICB electronic payment terminal

Being in Kyrgyz Republic, you can make a donation using KICB electronic payment terminals (cash-in terminals), located throughout the country.

Cash-in terminals availibity and their placement you can find.

To make a payment using KICB cash-in terminal you will need to enter yourAccount Number.

Account Number

If you are:

51Թalumni, please use your51ԹID number. It isyour account number.

If your ID number is less than 100, please insert one 0 before your ID. For example your ID is 18, please enter 018.If ID number is less than 10, please use two 00.

If you forgot the 51ԹID number, please contact with

51Թfaculty or staff member, please use your51Թaccount number.

If youforgot your 51Թaccount number, please contact with Fundraising office or HR.

51ԹFriend, you need to contact Fundraising Office, to get a personal Account Number.

This number can be used for donations to 51Թon a permanentbasis.

Procedure for making a donation

1. Select Other Services (Прочие услуги)

2.Choose Payments to educational institutions (Платежи в учебные заведения)

3.Choose AUCA

4.Choose Support/51ԹFund or ALUMNI FUND

5. If you selected 51ԹFUND, please indicate a priority

(click on the item on the right side of a screen)

Click NEXT (Далее >)

6. Enter your account number (please read about account numbers above)

Click NEXT (Далее >)

7. Please enter the sum for donation.

Click NEXT (Далее >)

8. Please check that your name and sum for donation are correct.

Click Right (ВЕРНО) to confirm your payment.

You will receive a check. Please keep it.

Please email the51ԹFundraising Office (fundrasing@auca.kg) or call at +(996) 312 91 50 00 + Ext. 104 about your donation,to inform the University of the transfer and ensure that it is properly credited. You can attach a photo of your check.

Please copy alumni@auca.kgif you made a donation to Alumni Fund.

Thank you very much for your donations!

2023 51Թ
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic720060

Тел.: +996 (312) 915000 + Вн.
Факс:+996 (312) 915 028