Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: 25 February – 2 March, 2012
Human Rights Commission suggests review of migration policy
Augmenting cadre’s potential. “Employment – 2020” program gets additional opportunities
ILO experts reveal banned child labor in Kazakhstan
Child trafficking thrives in Kazakhstan |
Vice Prime Minister of KR G.Asymbekova meets IOM delegation
Head of MFA suggests IOM develop road map of cooperation
Social Fund: Kyrgyzstan and Russia discuss pension accumulation for migrants
IOM plans to open Center of Employment Abroad for labor migrants by the end of March
IOM to improve professional training in KR
Zlatko Zigic: There are four labor migrants' rights protection centers in the territory of the Russian Federation
Decree of KR “On defining labor migration quota for foreign citizens 2012”
Arsen Imankulov: Every third employable citizen of Kyrgyzstan is employed in economies of other countries
Kyrgyz citizens still leaving
106700 Kyrgyz citizens officially worked in Russia in 2011
Major problem of migrants in Russia – getting work permit, Ambassador of KR in RF
But there is no money for children…
Migrating for good: Kyrgyzstan is a champion |
Tajik journalist wins international contest on best migration policy
UN Women lays foundation for engendering HIV programming in Tajikistan
Hundred labor migrants study various professions and Russian language in Dushanbe
Dushanbe discusses human trafficking
Will Tajik migrants be protected by Tajik lawyers?
Group of educated Gastarbeiter in Dushanbe ready to leave for Russia
“Rohi safed” for labor migrants
2.5% officially registered unemployed in Tajikistan
Number of employable population in Tajikistan at present is 60% of total population of the country (in 1991 – 47%)
Migration Service of RT: Meeting with colleagues in Sverdlov oblast of RF
Tajik citizen, poet Khasan Kholov, who works at construction site in St. Petersburg and who got employed in Academy of Russian Philology, gives advise to future president on how to help develop culture. Video
Putin's Unlikeliest Supporters: Tajik Migrant Workers
Representation of MS of RT in Russia informs of death of three citizens of Tajikistan
Two citizens of Tajikistan - victims of blust in Gorki-25 town - die |
Moscow intends to create single labor market for CIS countries
Electronic card for migrants to be issued to expatriates first
Head of FMS Konstantin Romodanovsky: quarter of migrants from CIS cannot speak Russian
Moscow authorities plan to disintegrate ‘ethnic enclaves’ in schools
Omsk Oblast FMS Department meets employers and representatives of national diasporas
Capital to host vacancy fair for foreigners
Moscow authorities deported 151 illegal migrants from beginning of the year In Russian: .
Migrants commit more often crimes in metropolitan areas In Russian: .
Voronezh alarmingly lacks country doctors |
Experts of CSTO countries hold consultation meetings on labor migration issues in Moscow |
Fedor Karpovec: Mechanism of migration quoting should be more flexible
According to UNICEF more than 200 thousand children annually employed in hard labor. Around 10 thousand children join parents who are in labor migration
“We define ourselves as illegals”
Jirinovsky: If CIS countries become part of Russia, issue of migration will disappear (video)
Russian passport for expatriate upon first request |
“World labor market and international migration”, by S.V.Ryazancev and M.F.Tkachenko, 2010
News of Labor Migration from Tajikistan. Review of media on CA and RF No 35 |
Public association “Dostoyanie Respubliki” announces call for best scenario for runner on challenging issues among creative youth of Kyrgyzstan
Training course “Identifying and investigating cases of forced labor and trafficking”, 16 – 20 April 2012, ITC-ILO, Turin, Italy
Internship vacancy at ITC-ILO, Turin, Italy |